Chapter 3

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There is a lot of violence in some parts of the chapter. Like really bad violence.

For those who would like to skip all that, there is a quick, short summary in the notes about the other things written.



"Jason." His dad put a hand on his shoulder and pulled him back. He looked as if he'd aged ten years suddenly.

"I want you to go and get the others here-"


"- to go and bring the others."

Not this old trick again. "You know that won't work on me."

His dad sighed, staring at him rather seriously. "We need more people, Jason. There are very few of us to fight them. And we don't even know what they are planning!"

This was a sore subject for them.

"And you have already sent a patronus for help. They know better than to ignore it." He was tired of his parents trying to prevent him from fighting in battles. Fighting him. For still thinking that he needed to be shielded away from the world.


"You don't want me to face him, don't you? And this didn't even start with Sussex. This happened even before that. You have always tried to shield me from him! But what good has it done, huh!? He won't ever stop. I know who he is! I am not a child, dad. I saw him kill Dumbledore."

When his dad tried to speak, Jason spoke more loudly, "No, I won't leave this fight just because he's here."

He always did this.

The Order always did this. Whenever that particular person was involved in an attack, they always sent Jason somewhere else.
'Go save a village from a werewolf attack', 'There's a rogue vampire in London', 'A fire broke down in a muggle orphanage' or 'We have a new lead on the horcruxes, go there immediately.'

Always one thing or another to keep him away.

"Jason, this is serious. Please."

Once again, there were sounds of several apparitions.

The rest of the Order and Resistance had finally arrived.

"See? They are here." Jason pointed towards them in an exaggerated manner.

"If your father and son's heart-to-heart moment is done, Potters, we'll start discussing the plan." Moody, as if a ghost, materialised from behind them and walked towards the mass of people standing outside the wards.

"What is the status, Lupin?"

"Montague has constructed these wards surrounding the village. As you see this," he pointed his wand towards the floating mass of magic near the wards, "these are more complex than what we've ever faced before. Remember Sussex? Now this is over a hundred times worse." Several faces paled as they registered the words. They had lost almost one-fourth of the Resistance in that battle.

Moody nodded and started directing people in place to take down the wards and be ready for battle.

"Look!" Someone yelled.

The Death Eaters had started approaching the village.

Jason could see the exact moment when the two muggle children who were playing outside in the yard saw the Death Eaters. They screamed and started banging on the door of their house.

Their terrified screams turned into pain-filled ones when the red-coloured curse hit them. The Death Eaters set the houses on fire, breaking inside the houses and dragging out the screaming muggles from it.

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