Chapter 6

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Remus and Bill never came back from the forest. The Order did not risk going back to check.

Jason refused to talk to anyone.

Remus-- Moony, his uncle, the person he'd literally grown up with, was probably dead.

He heard people say 'hopefully dead' whenever they thought he wasn't listening.
'If he is alive, Merlin knows what they... he... would do to him. Death is much better. If I were him, I would rather want to be dead.'

But Jason and his family still held hope. No matter how callous some people thought they were being and ignoring their stares full of pity and half-sympathies, they hoped that Remus and Bill were still alive, unharmed or not.

Their hopes were crushed cruelly when the Daily Prophet arrived a week later.

Two werewolves were found dead, their bodies hanged inside a small cottage in Berlin.

The pictures depicted a small cottage made of stone, with creepers and weeds covering half of the house. Tall pine trees surrounded the place. There were mechanical tools and books all over inside the house. Many old, patched-up coats were lying on the sofa. Several bottles of Wolfbane and Firewhiskey were on the dresser.

It was Remus' old house. The place he lived in ever since he was born, before moving into Grimmauld Place.

There was only one person who followed Voldemort and knew about it. Who had been there himself many times growing up.

"I'LL KILL HIM!" Jason threw a blasting curse at the painting hanging on the wall.

Several pieces of broken furniture were surrounding him. The pile was growing rapidly with every passing second.

Hermione was standing in a corner, her protego charm shuddering at the force of his spells.

There was a blast somewhere outside the door, making the walls shudder, but at the moment, Jason did not care. All he could see right now was the picture of the cottage, with the blurry bodies hanging inside it.

Like always, Remus looked pale the day before full moon. It'll get worse, as the day went off. Jason still urged him to stay back, but he was too stubborn.

"These things rub off on you when you live with Sirius Black, I swear." Remus said with a grin.

"We have to go." Moody announced, apparating away instantly.

"Remus--" Sirius tried, but the man interrupted him.

"I'll be fine, you guys. I've been in much worse situations."

They shouldn't have let the two go with them. Jason should've stayed and fought, instead of running away that night.

The picture in the Daily Prophet did not leave his mind.

"I'll kill him even if it's the last thing I do, I swear! I'll fucking hang him off the Astronomy Tower! How could he!? How fucking could he?"

His bed caught fire, turning into ash within seconds. His books were the next. The windows cracked, then were blown away, scattering pieces of glass everywhere. The plants on the windowsill turned black, dying within seconds. His room shook with the force of his anger.

"Jason, please control yourself!"

A crack appeared in the ceiling, widening dangerously with every tick of the broken clock.

"Stop it, Jason!"

A crunching sound started somewhere. A crack appeared on the floor.


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