Chapter 32

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James and Regulus were too late.

They found Jason crying in a corner of the living room. The green light bleeding inside the room casted an eerie glow on his fear-stricken face.

The Head Auror had never felt so hopeless in his life. Around him, the other officials skittered around, disbelief and dread lacing every step they took and every word they spoke. The walls of the house separated them from the jittery journalists, hysteric wizards and the damned green light outside.

"Auror Potter, they are demanding an answer."


Dumbledore flooed into the house unannounced as usual, smiling merrily at Harry's displeased surprise.


"You are out of Hogwarts now, Harry. You can call me Albus."

"Sure. What brings you here, sir?" Harry kept aside the Daily Prophet and turned to face him.

"Very well. I come here with excellent news. The meeting with ICW; I was able to convince them to shift it forward." The man's face glowed with relief and excitement, completely obvious to the suddenly still wizard on the couch.

Harry's heart dropped. This wasn't supposed to happen until the next two weeks. He still hadn't decided what to do. If that meeting happened anytime within the next week, he would have to decide on something soon. He fixed a small smile on his face, however. "That's great to know, sir. So, when is it then?"

"Why, today!" Dumbledore clapped his hands. He then waved his wand and the time glowed in front of him. "In about an hour."

"What!? I mean–wait. I am not prepared yet!" It was difficult to hide the horror growing on his face. 

Dumbledore just shook his head calmly. "There is nothing to prepare, Harry. You just have to submit your memories and be there. I can be the one speaking. Come on now, we must hurry." He motioned him to get up and turned towards the door.

"Wait! Let me get my coat, sir." Without waiting for an answer, Harry rushed upstairs.

This wasn't supposed to happen. The meeting wasn't supposed to happen today. He hadn't prepared for this. Harry had no idea what he was going to do. 

He hated this. Why didn't things go his way?

Harry locked the door of his room and started packing. Dumbledore was destroying his plans. If he went with the old man today, Harry would actually have a target on his back. It was one thing to stay hidden and be a coward. This was a completely different thing, talking to the ICW. How the hell was he supposed to do that? 

If only Dumbledore had not pushed this meeting ahead....

Harry looked around one last time and shrugged on his coat before he began his slow descent down, dread filling his chest with every step he took. He had to do something. And unfortunately, only one thing came to his mind.


Jason shushed Ginny and grinned at her before holding up the old bronze key in his hands and whispering, "Don't tell anyone. Please, Gin. And tell the others to act as usual."

"Of course, Jason." She gave him a sweet, mischievous smile and ran away.

Jason looked at her as she disappeared behind a maze of ladders in the Burrow. With the smile still stuck on his face, he whispered. "Arcturus Orion."

He felt the familiar pull on his navel and took a deep breath as the world started spinning around him.

Jason really missed his family. He was tired of being at the Burrow. The Weasley's were really nice and kind, but he really missed his home. 

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