Chapter 8

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"Jason! Jason! Wake up, mate! Look at this!"

Something was shoved in his face before he could even open his eyes. He pushed Ron's hands away from his face and got up, looking blankly at what looked like a newspaper in front of him.

"Just read it, mate!"

He stared at his childhood best friend.

"You do know that I have glasses, right?"

"For Merlin's sake, Jason!" The way Ron said it, as if it were his fault for needing them. Ron got up from the bed and ran on the opposite side of the room to search for it.

"Why would I keep my glasses over there, Ron?" He said, picking them up from the bedside table.

He glanced at the newspaper, his eyes focusing on the headlines and a few sentences printed on the paper.



The Order involved?

'Murdering innocents, that's how low those people have fallen', says Lord Malfoy, seen supporting his grieving son in the wake of his grandson's and daughter-in-law's untimely death.

"Those people are criminals. I don't understand why the Ministry is not taking serious actions."

"They do this, and then call themselves as heroes. I mean, what's the difference between them and You-Know-Who."

"There is no evidence pointing towards the Resistance or the Order, though, we would advise the people to take precautions."

"What if this was... his or you-know-who's doing?"

Hundreds of dead bodies pile up in St. Mungos.

Cause of death unknown.

Families killed. Died. Murdered. Bloodline curses. Poisoned. Sick.

What is the cause of these deaths?


"What the hell happened?" He was shell-shocked. And numb. This was...

"Loads of families were found dead yesterday evening in their manors. Their house-elves had all apparated into the Ministry. Chaos, let me tell you. Anyways, they don't know the reason behind their deaths. Of course, those Death Eaters are trying to pin this on us. How the bloody hell do they even come up with these theories, huh? The Order murdering families? Innocent families, that too."

"Maybe Malfoy was talking about himself, the journalist just heard it wrong." He said, without looking up from the words in the papers and felt bad immediately. His eyes fixed on Lucius Malfoy's picture. The man had just lost his grandson. Behind him, there was a barely visible crying face of his son. He'd seen baby Malfoy once during the attack on Malfoy Manor. They'd made sure to keep both the child and the mother safe during it.

"Hah! Those foul people are trying to shift blame on us. And these bloody reporters even have the audacity to print that shit. I bet those Death Eaters killed their own people because of some twisted logic of winning this war."

"Yes." He murmured.

This.... massacre, it was unsetting enough. But there was something about it that made him feel uneasy, like this whole thing was his fault, though he could not understand why.

Those innocent people did not deserve to die, no matter which side of the war they were on.

"I hope that no one from our side did this. It makes us no better than those monsters."

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