Chapter 13

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Harry peered curiously at the pink-faced baby in his mom's arms. The baby was asleep and he made weird faces from time-to-time.

"So, what do you think, Harry? It's your brother." His dad was holding him up in his arms so he could look at the baby and his mom.

Padfoot, Moony and Wormtail were in the room too, cooing at the baby.

"He's.... squishy." He said. The baby made that weird face again. "Was I squishy and pink too when I was born?"

Everyone laughed at his question. The baby made that weird face again. Harry smiled at him.

"Yeah, you were squishy. And red. Bright Gryffindor red, Harry." His dad said, grinning at him.

"Ugh." He made a face while the others continued laughing at him.

The baby's eyes opened a bit.

His hair was like their mom's. Bright red. Though he had brown eyes, just like dad's.

A complete opposite of him.

Harry decided that he'd be the best brother ever in the world.


The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord... Born to those who have thrice defied him... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord.... born to those who have thrice defied....


"A prophecy? Seriously, Albus?" Lily banged the teacup on the table, glaring at the man seated in front of them. It would've broken by the force of it if the cup was not held together by magic.

Though she respected the headmaster a lot, she did not want her child to be to dragged into the war. It was bad enough when one of them had to leave the house to do something for the Order, but what Albus was saying was downright prosperous.

"Lily, James, there are some things one shouldn't ignore. A prophecy, as much as you don't believe it, is true and real. Magic's way of foretelling what is going to happen. I don't like it either. I would never wish that on a child."

"If it is predicting the future, Jason is already born."

"It does not say about the birth of the child, but of Lord Voldemort marking him as his equal."

"It did not even say a child, for heaven's sake! For all we know, this saviour could be a fifty-year-old man. Jesus!" Lily threw up her hands in frustration.

"What she's saying is valid, Albus. You know that we won't drag Jason into this mess. So, why are you here?"

Albus looked down and removed his half-moon spectacles.

James and Lily were immediately wary of whatever was going to come out of the headmaster's mouth.

"It does not matter whether Jason truly is the child of the prophecy or not. It's just a hinge, at least for me. But I might be wrong. I truly wish I'm wrong."

"Why are you here, Albus? Why doesn't it matter?" Lily asked, feeling sick already. The way the man kept avoiding their eyes, the fiddling with the orb on the table, it was clear that whatever he was going to tell them, it would be bad.

"The prophecy was given by Sybil Trelawney while I was interviewing her for the Divination Professor's post. It was delivered in Hogs Head, you know the small pub in Hogsmeade?"

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