Chapter 16

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Harry hugged his family one last time and boarded the train, waving them goodbye. He would've cried if it weren't for the hundreds of other kids surrounding him. Crying did not make a good first impression.

"Bye bye, Harry! Come back home soon! Don't forget me!" Jason yelled loudly, making the people around him chuckle.

"Bye!" Harry shouted back.

The train started to move.

"Bye! Take care!" His family shouted. They went away and away, until Harry could not see them anymore.

Harry kept staring at the muggle buildings rolling in front of him, wishing he'd had a few more years before going to Hogwarts.

"Come on, Harry. We've saved a seat for you." Charlie said, pulling him out from his reverie.

The compartment was filled with Gryffindors, exchanging stories about their holidays and pranking each other. It was a mix of students from various years, though it was easy to tell the younger ones apart. Bill sat in the centre of it all, laughing at a joke made by a brown-haired boy.

"Hello, everyone! This is Harry! Our soon-to-be housemate!" Charlie announced all of a sudden, making Harry take a set back from the instant scrutiny upon him.

All of them looked up at him with a bored curiosity, though with warm, accepting faces.

"Hello, and welcome to Gryffindor, in advance." A tall girl with golden hair said, giving him a smile. "I am Emily Tyler, fifth year Gryffindor. Obviously though." She laughed at the last part, and extended her hand.

Harry shook it and spoke, a bit dazed, "H-Hello, I am Harry. Harry Potter."

It was a mistake, in his opinion.

As soon as they heard the first syllable of his last name, the Gryffindors crowded around him, shooting questions at him and speaking too fast before he could even know what was happening.

"You're a Potter!?"

"Of course he's a Potter, look at him! By the way, does your brother re–"

"Do you remember that night–"

"The reports said that you were found much later than the rest of the fam–"

"Laurent, he was found in the cupboard–"

"It was locked from the outside. Was it You-Know–"

"Do you have a scar too–"

"Do you sometimes get jealous–"

The words made him dizzy. Everything around him blurred. Their faces got distorted.

A cackle of high-pitched laughter. Cold voice.

Harry heard his mom's voice.

"Not Jason, not Jason, please not Jason!"

Someone yelled loudly maybe.

A hissy, cold voice spoke.

"Stand aside you silly girl ... stand aside now."

"Not Jason, please no, take me, kill me instead —– "


Another blast.

"Not Jason! Please ... have mercy ... have mercy... "


Harry heard a shrill voice laughing and his mom screaming.


"Harry!" Char;ie's face came into his view, full of concern. "Are you alright, mate?"

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