Chapter 20

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Harry lived in the haze of guilt and unease the following weeks.

No matter how much he thought about it, he still had no sure answer as to why he had lied to Montague. Aside from the obvious, that is.

That vague, impulsive idea which had formed in his mind that night, it seemed foolish and worth it at the same time.

There would be a war, sooner or later. He was old enough to know that much. And Harry knew that he'd have to take an active part in it. He just had to. He had to protect his family. He had to protect his little brother. Jason's choice was already taken away from him. He was a figurehead. There was no way he could back out of the war.

But Harry always had a choice.

And he would always choose to stand by his family.

But he had one more path before him. Being a Slytherin had opened it for him. A path only one person from the Order ever had. Not exactly the same situation, but somewhat similar.

Regulus had inside information about the Death Eaters, which had prevented the Order of Phoenix from dying in the last war.

Harry could do the same.

Harry would do the same.

Even better than Regulus had.


Montague did not talk to him after that night, but Harry felt his eyes following him. Observing him. Searching for the truth.

If Montague believed him, what then?

There was not one person to fool, but hundreds of them. Maybe, by some fluke he was able to convince the whole of Slytherin of his story, but then what?

How far was he willing to go?

Harry had no idea.


From the corner of his eyes, Harry once again saw Montague staring at him as he stepped out of the Hogwarts Express.

His second year had passed in a similar manner as the first.

He had made no friends. Had good grades. Kept to himself. Did not get into any kind of trouble. Again, a huge part of his school year passed in a blur because he was moping. He also ignored Bill and Charlie a lot, for which he felt guilty and not guilty at the same time.

Only difference being, he knew he'd have someone to talk to him soon enough.

Harry walked towards his parents in deliberate slow steps and walked past them towards the entrance which led to the muggle world.

As soon as he crossed it, his parents came rushing through the wall right behind him.

"What happened, Harry?"

"Nothing. Just did not feel safe there, you know?" It was the truth. Partially.

Understanding and sorrow filled his parents' faces, and they hugged him tightly.

"You'll be safe, don't worry, we'll not let anybody harm you." And Harry promised himself to keep them safe too.


Two weeks had passed since his third year started.

Ever since returning back to Hogwarts, Harry could see the shift within his house.

The younger students were either too awed or frightened of the recent event. The older ones acted way too indifferent, but Harry somehow sensed the unease and weight upon them.

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