Chapter 15

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"There was nothing you could do; it wasn't your fault."

It was getting exhausting, the way his parents kept repeating those words.

Harry knew he was powerless against Voldemort and that there was actually nothing he could've done which might've saved Jason.

But he did not need saving.

His parents had tried to shield them away from the fact, but Harry had heard about it.

Jason had defeated the Dark Lord, the scariest wizard in centuries. They called his brother the 'Boy-Who-Lived'.

Nobody had ever done that. Not even Mr. Dumbledore, about whom his parents had spoken so highly of. Jason had defeated the darkest, the most powerful wizard of magical Britain when he was just fifteen months old, while Harry cowered in that cupboard and his parents laid unconscious on the floor.

His brother was a hero. He had never needed Harry or anyone else to save him.

And he understood that.

The outcome of that night was exactly what the wizarding world had needed. Whatever Harry could've done, it wasn't necessary. It might've even worsened the whole event, if one thought about it.

But the words never left him.

You let me kill your brother, Potter.

Harry did not care about whether he would've saved Jason or not. It was the fact that he'd let Voldemort, allowed him to shoot the killing curse while he stood back doing nothing. He had not even made a sound. He might've as well given his own wand to the dark wizard to kill Jason.

Thank Merlin he did not have a wand yet.


He twisted his head to look sideways and saw the newly two-year-old boy standing at his door with a book in hand.


"Will you read this to me?" He held up a book. 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and other stories' the title read. On the cover, there was a woman along with seven dwarves dancing around her with hats of various colours. The book was in the library along with several other muggle books which dated back to when their mom was a little girl.

Harry got up and said, "Of course, come in."

Jason stepped inside his room with a smile and handed him the book.

"You know who my favourite princess is?" Harry said, shifting a little so that Jason could sit beside him.

"Snow White?"

"No. It's Jasmine." A house-elf appeared in the room with a tray of fruits and set it on the bed.

"Who is she?" Jason picked a grape, while Harry chose one pineapple piece.

"You'll get to know soon. I'll give you a warning though, she's awesome." Harry whispered the last part in a conspiratorial tone.

With that, Harry started reading out loud.


"Stay away from my brother!" Lily heard Harry shout. Petunia looked at her with fear and distrust, and got up, rushing towards where the three children were supposed to be playing.

Dudley, Petunia's son, was lying on the ground and crying loudly. He had a black eye and his nose was bleeding slightly. Harry was standing over him, looking down at the boy with fury on his face. Jason was behind his brother clutching his t-shirt.

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