Chapter 11

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Letting in the Death Eaters inside Hogwarts had been tricky.

They had to choose the perfect spot for them to enter, to target them easily without much damage on the Resistance's side.

The three of them had divided the targets among themselves. James would find the snake, Sirius would manage Harry, and Lily would follow Voldemort. Voldemort was not to be killed until they'd dealt with the snake.

The first task, the three of them collectively had, was to separate Voldemort from his two hounds.


They did not have much time to prepare.

Jason was in the Great Hall having lunch, when the first bell went off. He, Ginny, Ron and Hermione ran outside to check, when Moody apparated in front of him and dragged the four inside an old classroom.

"Potter! You four! Go to Filius' Office and floo over to Grimmauld." The mechanical eye spun around maniacally.

"Moody, what happened!?"

"Death Eaters. Those rats found a way in."

The four paled at those words. Hogwarts had the strongest wards in all of Britain surrounding it.

"How did they–"

"I don't know, boy. It seems like we have traitors among us." His eyes lingered a tad too long on Jason.

"Are you out of your mind, Moody!? To even suggest that–"

"Never mind. Get out of this bloody castle and close-off all the floos. Forbid every house-elf from leaving–"

"I am not leaving, Alastor." Jason said, sneering at the ex-auror.

"This is an orde–"

"I am not leaving, and I don't care about your bloody orders." He walked to the door and opened it. Faraway screams echoed throughout the castle. The bells kept ringing.

"Potter! You listen to me this instant! You'll not let you–"

"Myself die, Alastor? Why, because you need me to kill him, huh? Good for you, this seems it. Either I kill that bastard, or he finishes off me first. No matter what, today is the end of this war. And I am not running away."

The two stared at each other for a long moment. Finally, Moody walked out of the room, brushing past his friends.

"Go, be a fool like your parents, Potter. Your whole family is a bunch of traitors and lunatics. Hopefully, I would be lucky enough to at least be able to kill one of you."

"You fuc–"

Moody apparated away before the spell could hit him.

"Jason?" Ron hesitated.

"We fight." He said.

The three others nodded, and they ran-off towards the exit.


This fight was much blurrier than he had expected.

Spells and curses of hundreds of colours were flung around. It was a beautiful sight, if one ignored the blood and screams.

He could not tell whom his spells hit as he flung them around blindly. In a normal fight, they would've been much more strategic. Sharper. But this was madness. People shot blindly, not caring whom they hit. The Death Eaters weren't any better than them.

This whole thing was rushed, unplanned. Moody was wrong, there wasn't any traitor among them. This was a mistake. And a mess.

"Give me Jason Potter, and you'll be spared." Voldemort's voice reverberated throughout.

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