Chapter 25

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If his parents had any discomfort at the position he'd put them in, they did not show that. They welcomed Montague with smiles on their faces, though Harry knew them enough to know that they were struggling to keep it on their faces.

"Lord and Lady. Potter. It's a delight to meet you." Montague, ever the devil, went forward and gave them each a hug.

Now the smile on their faces turned strained rather noticeably.

"Call us James and Lily, please." His mom had always been better at talking nice with unwanted guests.

"Or Mr. and Mrs. Potter, if you will." His dad grumbled.

Harry had to keep himself from snorting.

They exchanged meaningless pleasantries until a house-elf popped in to announce that lunch was ready.

"Harry, why don't you show Graham his room. It's the one beside yours. And be quick." His mom said and dragged her husband towards the dining room.

"Those two are odd." Montague said even before his parents stepped out of the door.

"That–" The door cut off whatever his dad was going to say.

"That they are. We all are, I guess." He nodded towards another door on their left and led Montague upstairs.

"Isn't your brother home?" Montague trailed his hands over the polished wood of the handrail.

"As if they'll let him anywhere in your sight unless they are sure that you pose no threat."

Jason was probably with the Weasleys or the Blacks.

"That day will never come then."

Harry's heart grew cold, but he continued. "Then until the whole family is here, you'll not be seeing him. Neither will I."

"That's a bit... distrustful, don't you think that? Me, I understand. But you?"

Harry stilled for a moment and smiled at the portrait of Charlus and Dorea Potter. "I brought a soon-to-be Death Eater into the house. I don't think I'm the most reliable person in this house right now." He made sure that his voice suggested that this was more than a one-time instance. It wasn't. Never had his parents doubted him for one second. Even now, this whole Montague thing was a minor inconvenience for them, nothing big. And Harry was planning to throwing all that trust back in their faces.

But Montague did not need to know that.

"Is that because you're the snake of the house?"

"I am a snake, am I not?" He mused. It fit perfectly for his situation.

Montague's room, as promised was besides his, just the adjacent door. Harry knew that he could also sneak into that room through the balcony as they were almost joined together, save for a few centimeters gap. 


"Harry!" The ten-year-old raced towards him and engulfed him in a forceful hug even before he was able to sit up probably.

Harry stiffened and flushed slightly. It felt weird having an outsider watching him interact with the person he cared the most about. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Montague had fixed his complete attention on them.

"Hello to you too, Jason. It's good to see you but I need to sit up properly. We have a guest." Jason backed away immediately and turned towards Montague. His eyes widened slightly taking in the cold look the older boy was giving him, which almost made him roll his eyes. Almost. But he had an image which he wouldn't tarnish with plebeian gestures such as rolling his eyes.

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