Chapter 12

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James ran behind the toddler, not even a year old, who kept dodging him. 'How was he even able to crawl this fast?', he thought to himself when he entered the kitchen. He heard giggling from under the table and grinned.

Slowly, he walked around the table, purposely speaking loudly. "Oh Merlin! A cub just ran away from the forest, where did it go?" He opened some cabinets and looked under the sink. More giggling came from under the table.

"Oh Mr. Cub, are you here?" He called out.

"James?" Lily entered the kitchen, yawning.

"Oh Lily, my love, beware! There's a cub on loose here. And he's very dangerous." Another bout of giggles came from under the table.

Lily smiled sweetly at him and went towards the table. "Oh, you mean the little lion who does not listen to his mom?"

"Yes, him." They laughed silently together.

"Oh Merlin, he's here?"

"I saw him run inside."

"God, help us." She raised her hand and beckoned him closer.

"Oh help please, Merlin!"

The little boy giggled loudly and ran out from under the table, roaring at them.


"Oh Lily, he's here." He picked up the laughing toddler. "I caught him, Lils. What should I do now?"

"Let's tickle him!"

Harry laughed loudly when they tickled him.

"Momma! Dadda! Me Harry!"

"Oh my God, it's our Harry, James! Where did the lion go?" She kissed their child on his forehead.

"We scared him away!"

James placed Harry on the table, ruffling his untamable hair. He was so happy about the fact that Harry resembled him so much. Lily was not, of course.

"He should've at least gotten my nose or something." She pouted, brushing Harry's hair.

"He has your eyes." He offered unhelpfully, smiling at her.

"Just my eyes, James." She cuddled closer to him, kissing him on his forehead.

"I am sure he'll be a lot like you, behaviour-wise." Harry snuggled closer to his wife. "But of course, he'll be a troublemaker too." He added with a grin.


"Sirius, did you really have to get him that?" Remus asked, fearing for the safety of the one-year-old5 as he zoomed past them in the garden.

A very tired James continued to run behind him.

"Well, James has been kind of lazy for the past few months. Look at him running." Sirius said, smirking when the bespeckled man gave him a dirty look.

Exasperated, he walked towards Lily who was chatting with her and James' parents.

"Is James still running behind Harry?" Lily asked and handed him a glass of wine.

As an answer, Harry zoomed past the group, waving at them.

James gave Lily a pleading look, which she returned with a smile. "He'll get tired soon."

Sirius just laughed at James from somewhere behind.

Harry came to a halt near his godfather's leg. Sirius picked him up and exclaimed, "You know you're my favourite godson, huh Prongsie? On your next birthday I'll be giving you even better and cooler toys, I swear."

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