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"yeah kind of" I awnser with a raspy voice. "I'm really sorry eh.. I am bokuto by the way. Our bus had some mechanical issues but gladly you guys stopped and took us with you. That was soo nice you guys seem really cool. Sorry though that we woke you I kind of got carried away by the musik". I look at him for a moment trying to process all the things he just rambled down in a few seconds. After a while I finally respondent with a small "don't worry I would have woken up sooner or later. I am tsukishima" I give him my head and he energetically shakes it. "nice to meet you on which position do you play". I reach for my glasses and put them on to get to see him a bit better " I am a middle blocker" I awnser still a bit overwhelmed with this whole energy that's coming from the other person. "oooh that's so cool my best friend is middle blocker he will be at the trainings camp as well I bet he can help you a lot or you can help him or you know what I mean". I just nod unable to even come to word while he was talking but I also didn't really bother. It was kind of nice just listening.
He talked the whole bus drive through but did actually ask if I want him to stop to sleep or something which I really appreciated. But I was well rested so I just listened. Learning all the little details about his last week, who his crush is what is Favorit color food and movie is the whole plot of star wars. It was just a lot but still didn't bother me. I was kind of surprised by that usually it takes two minutes and I feel as if my head is exploding but this time it's different. I'm just listening.

It still seems as if I fell asleep again becouse I got woken up with a aggressive shake and loud "tsukii we are here u gotta see this look!" I was to sleepy and my sight still blury so I couldn't really see what he meant. A little annoyed about being woken up I grab my bag and get up. So bokuto can also get out of the bus he was just yelling that his best friend should already be there and how excited he is to see him again. I just chuckled at his reaction this man really has a pure heart. After I stood up he rushed out of the bus. I just try to collect myself a little bit before packing my stuff and also leaving the bus. As soon as I reached the fresh ear I had to stretch. This whole bus drive was more exhausting than I thought it would be my whole body feels a bit cramped. My shirt pulls up and in that moment I kind of feel watched. I stop stretching and look around when my eyes hit his. "tsukii! Over here come here I wanna introduce you to my friend!" I hear bokuto yelling and look over to him standing right next to kuroo whos eyes where still focused on me. I slowly walk over not really caring at the moment. I'm still too sleepy to be upset and I don't want boku to to be mad or get the wrong idea of me. I kind of feel like we could actually be friends.

(waaaahhhh posting once per day will hopefully be my standard maybe I'll do a reading night where I upload a longer chapter or two at once depending on how hard school will be this week aaaaah! <3)

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