It's Tsukishima...

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I walk over to them standing close to bokuto. I suddenly felt a bit shy I almost laughed at myself shy that's so pathetic Pull ur self together tsukishima. "kuroo look that's tsuki. I met him in the bus and he listened to me for the whole time untill he fell asleep but that's okay. I found a way to distract myself omg I also took some pictures and they are so cute you wanna see them" bokuto gladly introduced me to kuroo I notice his face going soft when he heard that I listened to bokuto. It's a strange expression on him I wouldn't have thought he was the kind of guy to be that.. Loving towards friends. as soon as he finished his sentence my full attention layed on the picture part. "no" I said firmly a bit uncomfortable with the situation hoping I don't look too weird sleeping. "oh come on lover boy I would love to see the" kuroo purrs. I can't stand that "my name is tsukishima if you didn't catch it yet and If you would excuse me I have better things to do than talk with you" It suddenly bursts out of me I'm looking a bit sorry to bokuto hoping he doesn't think I meant him as well. I take my bags and go to the rooms of my team. I'm angry I am so angry I could yell but that would be weird. Fuck I get myself a place to sleep grab some stuff and go for a run. Taking deep breaths to calm down. I am so mad and I can't tell why. Why is this guy bothering me so much when I get angry I am just giving him the reaction he wants. My jog endet in a twenty minute sprint untill I walked past a bench and made a short stop there. It was on top of a hill. From there you can see the whole camp. Wind is blowing through my hair and I feel how I finally relax a little bit. It's okay I just need to keep calm and then everything will be okay maybe he really is a nice guy. I'd just appreciate him using my fucking name gush.. I wrap my jacket around me because it did get a little cold and make my way back. As soon as I arrive I see bokuto. I am making sure that kuroo isn't in sight and walked over to him. "hey sorry that I was.. A little rude it wasn't really meant towards you" he looked at me and after a few seconds a big smile appeared on his face. "it's okay tsuki I do know how annoying my best friend can be so I am not mad at all" I smile a little suddenly feeling a bit more at ease. "hey cute that look suits suit you but there are nicer situations I'd like to see u sweat in" someone spoke from above me. I look up just to see kuroos annoying smirk. Not this time I take a little breath and turn around "I hope ur talking about the field where I will demolish you and my name is still tsukishima " I simply reply and walk away. I am so ready to beat him.

(I am actually quiet happy abt it if u have any suggestions just write me and I will look if I can get them in..)

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