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"Tae, remember our silly promise a long time ago? If you're already 30 and I'm already 33 and we haven't found our life partners, we'll marry each other instead."


"I'm 33 years old today. Let's get married!"

"We've been separated for 3 years, Jinnie. We need to catch up on a lot of things first."

"Hmm..." Seokjin hummed. "I'm sure we can handle that."

Taehyung looked him in the eyes, got up, supported his upper torso with his right hand, then leaned himself down to Seokjin's face. Closer.... And closer... Making Seokjin's eyes bulge out...

"What are you doing?!!" He got up and tried to get away from Taehyung.

"Kissing you!"

"Ewwww, Tae!!!"

"You said we can handle this?!"

"Ewwww, slow down, Tiger! How can you suddenly kiss me? We need to catch up on a lot of things first—-!"

"Those were my words earlier!"


"Jinnie, you're not ready to marry me!"


#Taejin: Married to My Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now