Chapter 15: Epilogue

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"Show us the marriage certificate!" Jimin asked them curiously, so Taehyung and Seokjin flaunted them to their friends and family, proudly and happily.

They held a small party at their house after they came back from Hamburg, Germany, as newlyweds. They only gathered their families and a small circle of close friends. Among them were, of course Seokjin's mother; Taehyung's parents; the hospital director Kim Namjoon who had generously given them several days of leave to get married; and their colleagues at the hospital, including Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok.... And also Jungkook.

Taehyung didn't want to invite Jin's fanboy. That was obvious! But Seokjin argued that they had to, because Jin was close with Jungkook. And that "close" word made Taehyung even more annoyed. So he pushed Jin onto the bed, kissed him, and made him repeat his words whether or not he was close with that Jungkook-boy. To which, Seokjin said....... "close" once again.... And then giggled innocently like a sweet devilish angel.

Well, that was enough to ignite Taehyung's rage.... Or lust... Yeah, whatever that was. They were just looking for some excuses to make love anyway. Any excuses would do. They would eventually make love afterall.

The rest was history.


That being said, against all odds Jungkook the handsome fanboy finally made it to the party.......... 

Bringing his girlfriend, a fellow resident doctor.

Taehyung rolled his eyes at Seokjin. Well then, there was another excuse for Taehyung to confront his husband after the party was over and all the guests went home.


"So....Jungkook is apparently straight...." Taehyung approached Seokjin with menacing gazes and threatening paces.

"I said he-might-be-gay..." Seokjin grinned. He retreated until the wall made him stop.

"Uh-huh?" Taehyung narrowed his eyes. "You are not as innocent as you look, aren't you, Schatz?" He now caged Seokjin onto the wall. His voice was husky and alluring, deep with desire, lost in lust. "Du siehst jetzt so süß aus. Weißt du, wie schön du bist? Ich möchte die ganze Nacht Liebe mit dir machen." [You look so cute right now. Do you know how gorgeous you are? I want to make love to you all night long.] Taehyung whispered into Jin's ear in a threatening tone.

"Okay, okay... I'm sorry... I know, I'm guilty. I'm sorry, Love... I promise I won't rile you up again... Don't threaten me in German! That sounds so frightening!"

"Uh-huh? Weißt du, was ich mit dir machen werde, huh? Ich werde dafür sorgen, dass du dich sooo gut fühlst und du mich um mehr bettelst!" [Do you know what I will do with you, huh? I will make you feel sooo good and make you beg me for more!] He gritted his teeth.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, okay... Please, please don't kill me!" He begged.

"If I can't kill you, then I'll just make love to you all night long..."

"Uh... H-have mercy on me, Love... I have a 12-hour surgery tomorrow..." Seokjin squeaked meekly.

Taehyung giggled, shook his head, and let him go just like that. "Let's go, we have to clean up all the mess." He said and started to pick up the trash from the leftover party in the living room.

"Wait, you didn't even kiss me?"


"B-but Tae.... H-how about making love first, huh?" Seokjin pulled Taehyung's hand, but Taehyung wagged it.

"Nope. You have a 12-hour surgery tomorrow, Schatz. You have to be able to stand up, so I won't touch you tonight." Taehyung continued cleaning up nonchalantly.

"WHAT?!" Seokjin groaned frustratedly. "NOOOO....! TAEEE...."

"Nope..." Taehyung tossed all the waste into a big black trash bag.

"Loveeeee...." He whined.

Taehyung then shoved the big black trash bag onto Seokjin's chest. "Now go, take it out!" He ordered with a flat emotion on his face. Seokjin sighed, rolled his eyes, and pouted. He went out to put the trash away, while Taehyung silently rolled on the floor and laughed his head off inside the house.



And that was that. Their journey towards a long happy life as a couple finally began....

And no, Jin didn't get Alzheimer's in his old age. He was just overthinking! Now you see Guys, the danger of overthinking? It made you marry the love of your life!


~ FIN ~

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