Chapter 9: Guilty as Charged

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"Schatz, come here, please!" That tone in Taehyung's voice sent a danger alert to Seokjin's defense mechanism. With that particular tone, Seokjin knew there was something wrong. He might have made a mistake that he didn't even realize, and now Taehyung was going to confront him.

"A moment, Love... I'm still washing the dishes..." He said and made the washing dishes process longer than necessary.

Taehyung walked into the kitchen, approached Seokjin in front of the sink, and turned him over to face him. "How many more times will you rinse that plate again?"

"N-nine more times...?"

Taehyung giggled.

"I know I was wrong, I'm sorry. I'll never do it again." Seokjin pleaded.

Taehyung was now laughing. "Really? What did you do exactly?"

"Whatever you accuse me of. I'm guilty as charged... I'm sorry..." Seokjin lifted his hands up, surrendering with no condition. Taehyung couldn't stop laughing.

"Okay. Now, early in the morning, you riled me up with Kim Namjoon and that fanboy of yours." Taehyung started.

Seokjin saw where this was going.

"Aaand... You failed to inform me that Kim Namjoon is straight, happily married, and already has a very cute two-year-old daughter. I saw their picture together when I met him in his office today, Schatz."

Seokjin tried hard to restrain his grin. "You are jealous."

"Damn yeah, I'm jealous, Schatz! I left you here for three years and didn't know who was trying to hit on you and take you away from me!" Taehyung admitted emotionally and pushed his body closer to Seokjin until Seokjin's back was trapped by the sink, making their crotches collide together.

Seokjin gasped and gaped. "I... never said that he was gay... T—--Tae...!" He tried to push Taehyung as the younger began to attack his neck and ear with light kisses, but Jin's hands remained limp on Taehyung's chest. His sensitive fingertips felt the hard muscle beneath the thin fabric. "Tae..." That was supposed to be a firm command to back off instead of a plea to go on, but Seokjin's voice sounded too breathless, too aroused. He now tilted his head to give Taehyung more access. He bit his lip desperately, and moans came out involuntarily from his open mouth.

Taehyung moved his lips and finally kissed Seokjin. Deep. Wet. Hot. Lustful. Demanded. He ground his hard-on to Seokjin's and squeezed his ass closer to him, vanishing the gap into nonexistent. Seokjin gave in to his lust and Taehyung lifted him onto the sink without breaking the kiss. Seokjin instinctively wrapped his legs around Taehyung's slender waist to force their bodies to stick together.

"Tae..." Seokjin whimpered. He felt dizzy. His body was feverish and trembled.

"What do you want me to do, Schatz?" Taehyung asked, panted. Needy.

".... I don't know.... Tae.... Please..." Seokjin closed his eyes. ".... F-fuck me..." He whispered helplessly.

Taehyung scooped Jin into his embrace and carried him into Jin's bedroom. "Let's make good use of your huge bed!" He said, laid Jin on the bed, stripped him, kissed him, teased him, and made love to him like no other.

That was their first sexual intercourse. They had brought their platonic friendship into a whole new chapter.



Everything seemed to move slower after the sudden outburst of their long-suppressed desires. As the flame subsided and their lusts were satiated, Taehyung laid motionless on the bed with Seokjin in his embrace. He wrapped his hands around Seokjin's body. Happily claiming him as his. He then kissed Seokjin's temple once again, tightening his hug, and weaved his fingers in between Jin's soft hair.

"How is eomeoni, Schatz?" He asked about Jin's mother. "Let's visit her this weekend."

"Hmm..." Jin mumbled. Drowsy.

"And let's visit your appa too after that." Taehyung added.

Jin nuzzled his head into Taehyung's crook of the neck. His right hand squeezed Taehyung's body over the mention of his parents. He let out a soft sob.

Please, just marry me, Tae...

... because nobody knew him, and understood him, and loved him more than Taehyung does...

And because he never loved and cared for anyone else like he loved and cared for Taehyung!


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