Chapter 12: A Trap

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A date. Taehyung and Seokjin had a date today. They went to watch a movie earlier, and now Jin wanted to go to the Chanel store. He slowly walked through the jewelry display and observed them carefully.

Taehyung felt bored. He didn't know what Jin was looking for, so his eyes began to roam the whole store aimlessly. That was when Seokjin suddenly nudged his elbow and said,

"I like this one, Love." Seokjin pointed at a pair of wedding rings under the glass counter.

"H-huh?" Taehyung was flabbergasted and looked at him in confusion.

The woman behind the counter smiled widely. "Ooh, congratulations to both of you! You look perfect together! This wedding ring carries a deep meaningful Yin and Yang concept, symbolizing two soulmates. This ring is made of black platinum with a white diamond stud, and the other pair is made of silvery-white palladium with a rare black diamond stud. I'm sure it will complement your bond and make it more special." She explained, still with a wide perfect-teeth smile.

"Oh wow, very meaningful indeed!" Seokjin was in awe. "Right, Love?" He nudged the dumbfounded Taehyung once again.

"HUH??!" Who said that they were going to this store to suddenly buy wedding rings??!!! "A-are you sure, Schatz?" Taehyung asked awkwardly but he had to play along.

"Yeah. I like these ones so much."

"If you want to see the others, we still have some special collections in our treasury."

"Of course!" Seokjin said it quickly, before Taehyung could say anything.

"Please wait, Sir." The woman then went to the back of the shop.

Seokjin glanced at Taehyung. Was he angry?

But Taehyung just stared back at him with a restrained smile. "Pick carefully, you'll wear it for the rest of your life."

Seokjin didn't say anything and just stared back. Can he really buy the rings? Was Taehyung really not angry about it? He had pushed it too far, he knew.

The woman was back with a big black velvet box and showed them several other pairs of wedding rings. But Seokjin's heart was already settled with the black and white one earlier. So he decided to buy that one. If Taehyung wouldn't marry him and use that ring, he would just keep it for himself. Seokjin took out his wallet to pay, but Taehyung's hand stopped him. Tae already put his card on the counter to pay for them.


Seokjin and Taehyung went out of the store with a pair of wedding rings that night.



"I feel like you trap me!" Taehyung said and slurped his tasty jajangmyeon. "You lure me in, then trap me." They were currently having a nice dinner in a cozy cafe downtown.

"You think so?"


"Try this, Love!" Seokjin held a piece of meat with his chopstick and fed it to Taehyung. "Open your mouth, aaaa..."

Taehyung complied obediently and opened his mouth. "Mmmh..."

"So juicy, right?"

"Yeah... so good!" Taehyung savored the flavor. "Wait, what was I talking about earlier?"

"So juicy?"

"No, before that!"

"Don't know..." Seokjin mumbled and took another piece of meat. "One more bite! Aaaaa..."

Taehyung complied. Again. "Hmmm... So juicy indeed!"

"I know, right?!" Seokjin smiled widely and Taehyung smiled back at him.


I will always lose to you, Schatz. But even when I lose, I'm still winning.


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