Chapter 8: The Fanboy

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Taehyung walked into the cafeteria, where he found his old colleagues already sitting at the same table, eating lunch and chatting in between. Seokjin waved his hand when he saw Taehyung.

"Here, Tae!"

"Heyy, Doctor Kim Taehyuuung!!" Dr. Park Jimin cheered, stood up, and welcomed him warmly.

Same way with Dr. Jung Hoseok who hugged him cheerfully. "Welcome back, Taehyunga!"

Meanwhile, Dr. Min Yoongi just patted his shoulder and gave him his signature flat smile. "Hm!"

"Drop by my office later, Guys. I brought something for each of you." Taehyung said.

"Yeessss! That's my maaan!"

"Whoa, thanks Taehyunga!"


Seokjin made a room and emptied a seat right beside him, which Taehyung directly chose. Like the old days. They always sat beside each other, glued together, and no one dared to come between them. That was when a young man approached them and bowed deeply.


"Oh, Jungkookie. Come sit with us!" Seokjin invited him and pulled Taehyung to make a room for the said-guy, but Taehyung didn't budge. He scrutinized the young man closely. He was so handsome, so young, most possibly a resident doctor. Was he the fanboy Jin mentioned earlier?

Seeing Taehyung wasn't willing to move, Jimin finally emptied his seat for Jungkook, so now Jungkook sat right across Taehyung.

Consciously or not, Taehyung suddenly stretched his left hand to Seokjin's nape and stayed there, caressing him lightly, pulled their bodies closer. From his peripheral vision, Taehyung knew Jungkook was staring at them. And he enjoyed torturing him.

"Hmm, this is good. The cafeteria's food apparently improved after I left, huh?" Taehyung commented.

"Try this one!" Seokjin put a piece of meat on Taehyung's metal food tray.

"Thanks, Baby!" He realized that he was petty for intentionally calling Jin "Baby" in front of Jin's fanboy. But Taehyung wanted to put that boy in his place! And by "his place" he meant a place far far away from his Seokjin. Preferably at Narnia!

"So, where do you live now, Tae?"

"With Jinnie, of course! We're living together." Taehyung said nonchalantly, gaining teasing shouts from his colleagues. Well, "we're living together" was actually giving a whole different meaning to "crashing in Seokjin's house". But Taehyung purposely misled them and Seokjin didn't bother to clarify either.

Whilst their friends never once doubted that their closeness was more than just a platonic friendship, a few years ago both Taehyung and Seokjin always denied that they were in a romantic relationship.

"Who are they lying to, but to each other, huh? When was the last time they had boyfriends? They always stick together and put each other first in everything. What's there left to say?" Jimin once said.

"They are practically married. Sexless marriage maybe, but married nevertheless. Let's just see how long they will deny it." Said Hoseok.

"Or how long they will last until that sexual tension between them finally combusts." Added Yoongi.


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