Chapter 2: Birthday Gifts

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They brought the luggage and got into Seokjin's car. Along the ride, Taehyung stretched his left hand and caressed Jin's nape and back head and didn't want to let go, as if to convince himself that Seokjin was here beside him. That he was real, not just a dream when he then woke up with wet eyes for desperately missing him by his side.... And with a trembling body for painfully needing him in his hug.

It had been three years. Three long years being separated from each other! And Taehyung thought, the one who left would bear it easier. But it was not! He suffered a lot. Leaving Jin was not easy at all!

After about half an hour's drive from Incheon to Seoul, they finally arrived at Jin's house, the one Jin finally purchased last year after Taehyung convinced him. Before this, Jin stayed at his-and-Taehyung's formerly shared-apartment. He couldn't bear to leave, because that place was all he got to remind him of what he and Taehyung had before. Full of their happy memories, their laughter and their cries. Warm with Taehyung's presence and scents. No, Jin just couldn't leave. He couldn't move to a new place, because if he does, in a new place he would feel Tae's absence more real and agonizing.

Jin's new house was supposed to be Taehyung's temporary lodging until he found an apartment in Seoul. That was his initial plan. But...

"Whoa, your house is so nice! Thank God you failed to get me an apartment, Babe! I'll just crash here forever."

"What?!" Seokjin was about to pretend to yell some more, but Taehyung approached him with menacing gazes and threatening paces.

"What?!" Taehyung threatened, tried hard to restrain his smile.

"... You have to pay some rent..." Seokjin managed to say it meekly.

"Ha!" Tae laughed and ruffled his hair. "I love you!" He pecked Jin's cheek.

Seokjin held his smile. He was happy to have Tae at his home. Did Taehyung think that Jin bought this house without considering Taehyung's taste, or Taehyung this and Taehyung that? Damn well, Jin did consider it all!

Did Taehyung think that Seokjin really tried to find an apartment so Tae could live separately from him? Damn well, Jin didn't even bother to try!

"I've prepared the guest room, Love. You can unpack right away."

"Help me unpack, huh, this is the most tiring thing to do..." Taehyung whined, pulled his suitcase into the guest bedroom and threw himself on the soft, thick rug. Back in their shared-apartment, Taehyung had a similar rug that he loved so much. And here, Seokjin placed one in the guest bedroom for him.

Seokjin pulled another suitcase in and put it near the closet.

"Give me my German souvenir first!" Seokjin grinned widely. He sat in front of Tae with a hand stretched and palm-up to him.

Taehyung grumbled, but opened his suitcase nevertheless. "Here!" He handed him a pink box.

"This?! You bought me a dainty pink barbie stethoscope? Really, Tae?!" Seokjin rolled his eyes. "What should I do with it... ?" He stared at it in his hands, making Taehyung giggled. "I can't use it..." Seokjin said. "I can't display it.... I can't eat it either!" He complained.

"Sheesh, such an ungrateful brat you are! That dainty pink barbie stethoscope is for Yoongi."

"FOR YOONGI?!" Seokjin suddenly burst into laughter and tossed his head behind. He couldn't imagine that cold savage Yoongi would use this dainty little thingy to check on his patients.

"Here's yours. Happy birthday, Schatz!" Taehyung handed him a small box with the famous Lange & Söhne brand written on it. Seokjin opened it with a big smile blooming on his face. It was a retro wristwatch with a brown leather strap.

"I was expecting German gummy bears and chocolate, but Tae.... this is so pretty...." His eyes stuck on his birthday gift. His fingers trailed on the watch gently. "Thank you so much, Love, I will treasure it!"

Taehyung smiled at him, satisfied. "And here's your gummy bears and chocolate."

"Huh? You remember!" He was in awe.

Taehyung brushed Seokjin's cheek, but the latter plunged himself into his hug "I love you!", making both of them tumble down and lay flat on the rug. A moment later, Seokjin rolled his body down from the top of Taehyung and laid beside him, opened the gummy bear pack barbarically and began to munch them. He still observed and was mesmerized by his new luxurious watch.

"I'll unpack tomorrow." Taehyung said. "I'm tired." He turned his body and pulled Seokjin into his arms. His nose nuzzled into Seokjin's crook of the neck and sniffed that familiar scent. Feeling he was home now. "Ich vermisse dich so sehr, Schatz. I miss you so much..."

Seokjin put the watch down carefully and wrapped his arms around Taehyung. "I miss you too, Tae..." He bit his lips and closed his eyes tightly to prevent the spilling tears from his overwhelming feelings.

Being apart had brought their feelings even closer, making them realize that they couldn't live without each other.

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