Chapter 7: First Day of Work

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Breakfast with Seokjin's cooking was always the best breakfast. Taehyung missed their morning routines, their daily habits. This familiarity. This atmosphere. This man! He enjoyed watching Seokjin cooking and being the first one to taste the meal, as Seokjin always saved the first spoon for him and made him feel special.

"This is your best kimchi fried rice just yet, Babe!" Taehyung scooped the last spoon of rice and hummed satisfyingly.

"Special for your first day of work."

"Can hardly wait for my first day of work. By the way, I have to meet the hospital director today."


"Tell me about this new director, Jin." He got up and washed the dishes in the sink.

"Oh, Jooni?"

"Jooni??!!!" Taehyung's eyes widened. He turned his head to see Seokjin. "Are you that close to him?!" He then narrowed his eyes.

"I mean Kim Namjoon... Well, uh, we just talk sometimes."

"You guys talk?" He asked full of suspicion.

"We just click, I guessed. He shares many things about his new job as the director, sometimes asking for my opinion... And I'm sharing about my patients' cases... He gave me a lot of insight. He's so damn smart!"

"Hmm!" Taehyung hummed sharply.

"Wait, are you jealous, Tae?"

"What?! No way on earth I am jealous! Why should I even be jealous? Tsk!" Taehyung's attention was back on the dishes. He finished it quickly, grabbed his bag on the sofa, and walked toward the front door.

"Wait, you are jealous! Just look at yourself! Tae, you should marry me if you're jealous of another man like this!" Seokjin ran after him."


"Then if you're not jealous of Jooni, I'll tell you about this fanboy of mine—-" Seokjin hastily slid his feet into his comfortable white sneakers.

"I don't wanna hear it!" Taehyung finished tying his shoelaces.

"He's a second-year resident doctor and he decided to choose pulmonary specialist later on because I inspired him so much, and he adores me so much, he—-" Jin's voice was suddenly gone, drowned in Taehyung's kiss.

Seokjin's eyes popped out. "—-Tae... Y-you can't just keep kissing me like this..."

"It's a good morning kiss, Babe. Get used to it!" He said it nonchalantly and strolled out.

Seokjin needed a few minutes to calm his heart rate. He then ran after Taehyung to his car. "By the way, my fanboy is young and handsome and talented and from the way he's ogling at me, I think he might be gay..."

"Shut up Jin, or I'll kiss you till you're breathless and beg me for more!"

"I'll—-I'll shut up..." Seokjin lowered his gaze and gave the car key to Taehyung without even looking at him. "You drive... I—-I can't."

"Why? Too horny to drive?"

"Too nervous!" He spat with red hues all over his neck and face. He walked into the passenger side.

"You're cute, Babe!" Taehyung giggled and started the car. "I wanna kiss you again."

"Shut up!" Seokjin put his seatbelt on.

Going to work together again, just like three years ago. Driving side by side every morning. Sometimes dropping or picking up each other on their tiring night shifts. Having lunch in the cafeteria. Everything felt more and more real for Taehyung. And it was comforting. He was home again. Close to Seokjin.

Taehyung stretched his right hand and held Jin's left. They smiled at each other contently. Their restless souls were finally at peace now.


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