Chapter 1: Best Friends

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It was December 4th. The weather was cold and gloomy. Kim Seokjin stood patiently in front of the Arrival Terminal at Incheon International Airport. He pulled his long black wool coat tightly to prevent the chill wind from sneaking in and piercing his skin. Seokjin held a paper with "DUMMY" written on it. He was picking up someone special to his heart today: Kim Taehyung, his best friend of 11 years. They met at medical school in Taehyung's freshman year and Seokjin was his senior with a 3-years gap, and have been friends ever since.

Taehyung was scheduled to be back in Seoul right now. He would work together again with Jin at Seoul Medical Institute Hospital, as they used to before Taehyung went to Hamburg, Germany to study Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, a medical doctor specializing in blood disorders and malignant diseases for infants and children.

Seokjin lifted his paper high up when he saw Taehyung walking out of the International Arrival terminal, dragging two huge suitcases. Seokjin's face lit up, his smile bloomed brightly. "Dummy!" He said. Seeing the paper, Taehyung abandoned his suitcases and launched himself into Seokjin's warm embrace.

"Du Arschloch!" [You asshole!] "Let me see that DUMMY paper!" Taehyung was going to snatch it from Seokjin's hand, but Seokjin dodged it and showed him the other side instead, the one written with "I LOVE YOU!!!".

Taehyung giggled and ruffled Seokjin's hair. "Ich hab' dich so lieb auch, Schatz!'' [I love you so much too, Sweetheart!]. Taehyung crushed-hugged him tightly, giggling in happiness.

Seokjin smiled, he knew what it meant. Taehyung had been calling him "Schatz" these last several months now and Jin loved it, a sweet German endearment for "sweetheart, darling, babe, or love". And he also called Taehyung "Love", though it meant nothing more than platonic love between the two of them.

"Lass mich dich anschauen! Warum wirst du hübscher, huh? Was hast du gegessen, Jinnie?" [Let me take a look at you! Why are you getting so handsome, huh? What did you eat, Jinnie?] Taehyung cupped his face, making Jin's cheeks squeezed and his plump lips pouted comically.

"Mmmmpf!!!" Jin wagged Taehyung's grip. "YAAAH!!!" He never liked it when somebody touched his face and he would get so upset. But he mostly let Taehyung get away with it. In fact, he always let Taehyung do whatever he wanted to him. "Don't speak German to me, I don't understand!" Seokjin grumbled.

"Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Schatz! Happy birthday, My Love!" Taehyung then pecked Jin's forehead. Seokjin melted at that.

"Thank you." He smiled. Taehyung never forgot his birthday ever, not even when he was in Germany. "Let's go home, Tae."

"Let's go home, Jinnie..." They drag the heavy suitcases to the parking lot.


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