Chapter 6: What are You Doing?

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The Kim family and also Seokjin had a good chat that night. Mr. Kim mostly asked a lot of questions about German, meanwhile Mrs. Kim asked about Taehyung's experiences in Germany. They were also delighted with the gifts: an antique beer stein for his father, and 7 flavors of chocolate bars for his mother.

It was already quite late when they finally ran out of conversation and were too tired to stay awake. "Uh, I actually prepared a guest bedroom for Seokjin, but now that you're together..."

"He'll sleep in my room, Eomma, thank you." Taehyung pulled Seokjin's shoulder and smiled at his mom.

"Okay, good night, then! Um, don't be too noisy, Boys!" She winked naughtily.

Seokjin started to feel messy inside. He had annoyed Taehyung enough today. And his gut was right. Right after the bedroom door was closed, Taehyung pushed Seokjin onto the wall and kissed him. Not too forceful, nor too harsh, not too long, but enough to make Seokjin shiver.

"... Tae... what are you doing...?" He panted, with hands grabbing Taehyung's shirt tightly to support his wobbly knees. But Taehyung held him steady.

"Kissing you." He whispered in his deep alluring voice. "If you want me to marry you, then get used to it, Babe! I want a real marriage, be a real couple, with sex and everything. I want you in my bed and I wanna make love to you, lots and lots of love!" He talked between his teeth.

"I—-I... " Seokjin was left breathless. His face was burning hot.

"You don't think we would have a stupid platonic marriage, do you?!"

"I... of-of course not... B-but..." Seokjin panted. "It's not that I don't wanna do it... I just feel... awkward doing it with you... And—-and maybe embarrassed being naked in front of you..."


"Tae..." Seokjin's eyes pleaded.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and let him go. He walked toward the bed.

"I—--I really do!" Seokjin stumbled a bit. He approached the bed.

"Why would you?! We've been friends for over 10 years!" Taehyung plopped onto the soft mattress.

"I—-I don't know... Maybe... it's because of that exactly..."

"I've seen most of your body!"

"But you never saw me fully naked... And—-and vulnerable... and horny... and needy... and... "

"Keep going! You make me imagine things now." Taehyung leaned back to the headrest, put his hands behind his head, and grinned widely.

"Tae, I'm serious! I might need time.... We're so close... Sometimes I see you like a brother to me... It will feel weird if we—-you know—-fuck...."

"Just give me one chance and I swear you will never see me like a brother anymore!"

"Argh, Tae... Now you make me imagine things..."

Taehyung grinned. "Good! You're blushing hard."

"I don't!"

"Your ears and neck are red, Jinnie. I bet my words had turned you on, huh?"

"Tae! Stob it!"

Taehyung still giggled mischievously. "Why do you wanna marry me if you feel awkward being intimate with me?"

Seokjin sat on the edge of the bed. Didn't answer.

"Come here, Schatz!" Taehyung pulled him over and Seokjin snuggled into his protective embrace. "There are so many things we have to sort out and resolve before we finally talk about marriage. You know that, right?" He talked in a calming voice and kissed his temple. Seokjin didn't say a word. "Let's just sleep tonight. Don't think too much. We'll have to go back to Seoul early in the morning."

Taehyung pulled him closer and they shifted their positions to make themselves comfortable enough for Taehyung to spoon Jin. Taehyung glued his forehead to Seokjin's back-head. Their hands hold each other tightly. Their fingers rubbed and comforted each other.

"Du musst mich nicht anflehen, Schatz, ich werde dich gerne heiraten." [You don't have to beg me, Darling, I'll be happy to marry you.]

"I don't understand German..."


"What does that mean...?" Jin closed his eyes.

"Sleep tight!"

"You're lying... The German sentence sounds so much longer than that...." He mumbled drowsily.

Taehyung giggled.


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