𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐜'𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲

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I just want to clear things up that I should've made more clear in the first book. I would never completely change Alecs sexuality. Although he is not gay like he is in the show, he is bisexual. There were moments that I changed in the first book to make it more evident that he liked adelaide more, but I was in no way saying that he wasn't into other people.

Jace is a good example. Alec did love him and I believe there is a part of him that does still love him but his love for Adelaide is stronger than anything else. Throughout book one and even this book aswell as he has never officially come out as bisexual, he often tried to rid his mind of thoughts about Jace and other men by filling it with Adelaide. Making himself believe that he couldn't love anyone else, that Jace was just his parabatai, nothing more. It was made clear he did love Jace aswell when they had the memory demon and Alecs memory was still of Jace. I didn't change it to Adelaide because his love for Jace was stronger at that time.

Alec has still not come out to anyone except Izzy (not officially) but she has a hint of what his sexuality is. The time will come when he does end up saying something, or it will become evident once again that he doesn't just like girls. He definitely is awkward around the subject, no matter who he is talking with. But Alec still has a lot of self discovery to do and he can't just accept who he is overnight even though he has nothing to be ashamed about. He is more terrified of how his believes Adelaide will react, how everyone will react. Because everytime she asked him about him loving Jace and he deflected, he did love Jace aswell. And when adelaide and Jace were a thing, there were two parts of Alec that hurt. The part that loved adelaide and the part that loved Jace.

But he will never love anyone like he does Adelaide, no matter his sexuality. But his sexuality was a staple in the show and I wasnt going to bludgeon it. So instead of him just liking men, I made it so he was bisexual instead.

I hope this clears a few things up for people and if you have more questions about the plot or characters, comment down below and I will answer them.

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