𝟏- 𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗳𝗼𝘆'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘅𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲

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𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐘 other person, Serena absolutely hated the first day of school every year, dreading the idea of having to start a completely new routine after summer with classes that were almost more tedious than watching paint dry.

The worst part about the first day of classes at Hogwarts is that the Gryffindor common room always transforms into a place of total mayhem. The sound of students chattering about the upcoming day ahead of them is obnoxious, the noise of hundreds of footsteps going up and down the steps to and from the dormitories are at an equally thunderously loud resonance, and the room is always packed to the brim with students planning to meet with each other before breakfast. In Serena's opinion, it was bloody awful.

She had to mentally compose herself before stepping foot in the midst of all the noisy chaos, and it wasn't until she entered the Great Hall that she let out a breath she wasn't even aware she was holding in. Serena tensely walked over to where Professor McGonagall stood near the High table, handing out every Gryffindor's timetable with her typical, tight-lipped smile on her face.

"Good luck this year," The Gryffindor head-of-house's Scottish voice would chirp at every student before handing them their respective parchments, and of course, it was no different when she gave Serena hers. Once Serena strayed away from her Transfiguration professor, she enthusiastically scanned the hall for a familiar face, her lips reaching up to smile wide when she noticed him waving her over.



It didn't take Serena very long to jog over to her best friend near the Ravenclaw table, laughing when he dramatically moved his parchment back and forth in the air. "Care to compare classes?"

Flynn knew he didn't even have to voice that question out loud, seeing how the witch was eagerly pushing her timetable in his hands for him to examine it, her eyes filled with trepidation. "Please tell me you have double potions last as well," She pleaded, taking into consideration that Professor Snape wasn't all that kind to Gryffindor students and she'd much prefer having her friend's company in class.

That being said, Professor Snape wasn't necessarily the kindest to Flynn Everett either. The fluffy-haired brunet boy was a Ravenclaw, and it's a known fact that the Potions professor only ever showed a sliver of care towards Slytherin students. Either way, the greasy-haired man always held the most animosity towards Gryffindors, to which Serena didn't fully understand why.

Flynn Everett was the light of Serena's life. He was her closest friend, and has always been ever since he moved in next door to her Berkshire manor years ago. If she was upset, he was the person she would go to, and he always knew how to make her feel better. In an essence, he was like the brother she never really had. Of course, Oliver cared about her and looked out for her when they were in school together; but truthfully, he was always much too bossy and hyper-focused on Quidditch, and at times when she did seek out his advice, he would blow her off, always giving her some excuse about practice or plans he had with his friends. That's when she'd give up and go to Flynn instead, and it just became a cycle over the years. No matter what, the Ravenclaw boy was always there for her. At times, he'd even defend her against Draco Malfoy when he noticed the blond messing with her— not caring at all that he was basically putting himself in the midst of the ordeal.

His deep brown eyes moved from left to right as he scanned the parchment, "I've got good news and bad news. Which do you want first?"

Serena scrunched her nose, "Bad I think?"

"The bad news is that we only have two classes together. The good news is that one of those classes happens to be double potions. We also have the same free period,"

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