• chapter eight •

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//TW: Eating Disorder and Domestic Abuse

"Of course you can have another hug. That's a silly question" Louis smiled, making sure the coast was clear before pulling Harry into a hug.

Harry rested into him, he felt so comforted whenever Louis hugged him. He also couldn't help but love the smell of Louis' cologne...and slight mixture of cigarettes.

Harry waited for Louis to pull away, if it was his choice he wouldn't ever pull away. Once he did he bit his lip, looking into Louis' eyes and sighing. "Thank you" Harry whispered to him, feeling all shy and bashful all of a sudden while looking into Louis' eyes.

"Of course, but...uhh if you ever just need to get away from...well...ya know, just call me okay? You can crash at my place whenever. Just be careful alright?" Louis whispered as he was getting ready to leave, he was worried about leaving Harry with Liam.

Harry blushed, not knowing what to say. His blush grew even deeper as Louis grabbed his hand and pressed a kiss into it, before walking out the door.

A kiss.

Harry didn't even hate that he did it either...and he'd invited him to crash at his house whenever? Harry was so confused...

He liked Louis as a friend.

Didn't he?

But Louis did things to him, things he'd never really felt before...

Especially not towards Liam...

Harry played through this interaction every night for a good two weeks after it happened. It took up most of his thoughts, especially when he was trying to sleep, laying in bed next to Liam.

It got to the point that he didn't even stress about his big photo shoot coming up and that was really saying something, Harry took work very very seriously. He was going to be doing an interview with a very popular magazine and a very big photo shoot, this could make or break his modeling career as he knew it.

Although he had been preparing for it in these last few weeks, he couldn't get his mind off of Louis. He played through their interactions up to this point and every time he did he felt butterflies in his stomach.

It was getting to the point that he was imagining Louis on the very rare occasion that Liam kissed him.


This was bad. He was Liam's, he loved Liam. Didn't he? Liam did a lot for him, and they had a good relationship. Didn't they?

Harry looked over at Liam, it was late at night, the night before his big photo shoot and he was up thinking again. Among his worries about tomorrow, he was thinking about Louis again. Liam was sleeping next to him and Harry just couldn't fall asleep. The thoughts were racing in his mind and it was honestly torturing him.

Just stop thinking about Louis and go to bed, he kept telling himself. But that quite honestly did not work, it just made him want to think about Louis even more.

After finally falling asleep around 1 am, he was able to get peace from his raging thoughts.

The next morning came early though, his alarm going off and he immediately got up and went to get dressed. He made sure to wear something comfortable, yet fashionable so that he looked nice in the interview. Then he went downstairs, grabbing a yogurt for breakfast and heading out the door. He wasn't wanting Liam to take him to work today so he Ubered, just wanting the day to go well so he steered clear of Liam.

Harry made it through his interview and was now doing his photo shoot. He was feeling really confident with it, he loved the outfits that the stylist and him had picked out and he felt like the interviewer really liked him.

He was excited and things were going so well. This was his dream, he'd wanted to become a successful model and show people his version of fashion, which had very little to no labels. For example during the shoot he wore masculine things, and feminine things, he even mixed outfits a lot and he couldn't wait to see how the pictures would turn out.

At the end of the day he went home feeling so happy, he had a smile on his face and everything.

But of course, he couldn't be happy for long. When he walked in the door he saw Liam with another guy on the couch and he couldn't help but feel jealous. He knew he was Liam's and he couldn't have anyone else...but why could Liam? He felt like he was doing good as a boyfriend. He was so exhausted, what more could Liam want from him?

Harry sighed, going to cook dinner like he did every night, trying not to think about these thoughts any longer.

Even though it was almost inevitable, his career was really going well, he just wished his relationship was better.

After a very disappointing night, he was sitting on the couch with his phone out and he got a call from Mitch. "Hello?" He answered, worried about what it could be.

"Harry you're fucking incredible! The people from the magazine loved you so much that they wanted to invite you to Fashion week! Fucking Fashion week! They even contacted Vogue to try and get you a cover deal!" Mitch said excitedly into the phone.

Harry almost couldn't believe it, he didn't think that today had gone this incredibly well...but this was amazing for his career. "You're joking me right? Fashion week!" Harry practically squealed, trying to be quiet because Liam was upstairs in bed and the last thing he wanted was to wake him up.

"Vogue too? God Mitch this is the best thing that's ever happened to me..." Harry said, getting happy tears because he couldn't wait to kickstart his modeling career. "I know! They said they loved your unique and gender fluid style and they wanted someone like that on their team for Fashion week. They also said that if Vogue wanted to do a story on you they'd be contacting me soon!" Mitch smiled, loving to hear Harry excited, it seemed like such a rare thing.

"This is amazing...thanks for telling me. I really can't believe it..." Harry smiled, feeling so happy for the second time that day. 

After him and Mitch hung up the phone, Harry did a little bit of an excited dance. He was so happy, but then he got an idea that he may or may not regret...

He pulled out his phone again and got into Louis' contact....

Harry: hey...I just wanted to share some good news. I'm going to Fashion week! And potentially Vogue! Now that we're friends...we gotta share accomplishments right? Anyways, hope you have a good night
-Harry X

He pushed send, biting his lip as he did. There wasn't anything wrong with being friends with Louis was there?

Hey guys, Violet here. Thanks for reading! Thought I'd throw in a bit happier chapter this time! Hope you enjoyed! 💜

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