• chapter sixteen •

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TW: Domestic Abuse

It had been two months.

Harry and Louis had been going strong for these last two months. It was to the point now that Harry would sneak out in the night and go see Louis, then sneak back into the house before Liam could wake up and realize he was gone.

Harry was down hard for Louis, but Louis could say the same about him. They only wanted each other and each other only.

"Do you have to go?" Louis whined as they were laying in bed together. It was like four in the morning and Harry had to go back home so he could be back in bed by the time Liam got up for work.

"Yeah...I'm sorry, I wish I could just stay too...but I just can't. I'm really trying to break up with him...it's just so so scary" Harry mumbled, having a gentle hand on Louis' cheek. Understandably, Louis got really disappointed when Harry had to leave. He hated how he had to be Harry's secret. But he knew why and he kind of didn't want Harry to break up with Liam because he knew it wouldn't end well.

"I know, but I always miss you. Then the bed gets cold when you get up..." Louis whispered with a sad sigh and Harry leaned in and kissed him, feeling bad that he had to go.

"I'm sorry again...I love you. And if it makes you feel any better I'll see you at work tomorrow. You're my photographer remember?" Harry asked, sitting up and grabbing his shoes.

"Oh yeah...well I'll see you at work I guess." Louis smiled a little, reaching to grab Harry's hand as he got up. Harry chuckled, he secretly loved how clingy Louis got to him when he was tired and it was early in the morning.

"I'll see you soon, get some sleep." Harry whispered with a smile, leaning down and kissing Louis' cheek before quietly leaving Louis' house.

The photo shoot was going so well, Harry was just a natural at modeling at this point and he was becoming very very famous. Todays shoot was outside and Harry was doing pictures surrounded by flowers and other things like that.

After such a good photo shoot everyone was packing up to go and Harry found Louis who was just now getting done with packing up his camera equipment. "Hey...you did so good, you're honestly the best photographer. I think I need your autograph" Harry joked, being a little flirtatious as he told Louis that.

"Oh my god I'd be honored." Louis chuckled, standing up straight as he'd been bent over cleaning up his camera supplies. Harry giggled in response, looking around to see if everyone had left before going in for a kiss.

They had been getting a little more risky with their relationship lately just because they were so in love already and they were starting not to care about the implications of being caught could do.

Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' neck as they kissed and Louis pulled him close, resting his hands on Harry's skinny waist. The two of them were like behind a wall slightly so neither of them thought that anyone would be able to see them.

They were horribly wrong.

Harry heard the clicks and saw the flashes before he even could process was happening. But he knew that sound anywhere...


Harry immediately pulled away from Louis and saw them, about 3 to 4 paparazzi were standing there snapping pictures of the two of them kissing. That's when Harry panicked, this had only happened to him like once or twice since being famous so he was scared. Not to mention he knew what he'd just been doing and panicked even more.

"What the fuck! Delete those right now!" Harry yelled in their direction, speed walking over to where they were because he wanted those pictures gone immediately. "Did you not fucking hear me? Fucking delete them!" Harry yelled again as the paparazzi were quickly walking away.

Harry turned back to Louis with a hand in his hair. "We're fucked...we're so fucked..." Harry panicked, trying to take deep breaths but he just couldn't, his chest felt tight with panic.

"No no we're fine...just call your manager and try and get him to fix it. We'll get them deleted" Louis assured him, having him get out his phone.

Harry spent the next couple hours making phone call after phone call, trying so hard to get those pictures deleted. He would NOT have these get out for anyone to see, especially not Liam.

"Looks like we successfully got all the photos deleted...thank fucking god..." Harry sighed, letting out a breath that he felt like he'd been holding for the last couple hours.

"Good...see, I knew we would fix it...it's all okay" Louis smiled, rubbing up and down Harry's boney arm.

"Yeah, we've definitely gotta be more careful" Harry said, feeling worried and never wanting to do that again.

"For sure" Louis smiled, happy that this was all fixed but he knew they did have to be more cautious.

Harry was now at home, doing some laundry and texting Louis as he did. It was just like every normal day after work, Harry did chores and texted Louis, letting him know when he'd be over that night.

Harry was grinning at his phone when he heard the door open, then close with a ear-shattering slam.

His heart skipped a beat.

Next thing he knew he was being yanked backwards by his hair and was now face to face with a very angry Liam.

A furious Liam...

"What in the actual fuck is this Harry?" Liam screamed, holding up a picture on his phone of him and Louis kissing. Somehow one of the photos got leaked before they could get deleted and now Liam had gotten his hands on them.

"You're fucking him aren't you?" Liam yelled in his face, his face practically red with anger. When Harry didn't answer Liam was absolutely livid. "Answer the fucking question!" Liam screamed, his voice getting louder than Harry had ever heard before.

"W-We've just...I-I..." Harry stuttered out, so scared that he couldn't even get the words out. Next thing Harry knew his phone was being ripped from his hand and it had happened to just be unlocked and on his and Louis' conversation.

Liam started to read their conversations and he got so so angry. There wasn't a word for how mad he was. All Harry could do was just stand there and watch while shaking. He was so scared.

"You little cheating fucking bitch! You're a whore! And guess fucking what? You can kiss your little fucking boyfriend goodbye!" Liam screamed, chucking Harry's phone into the ground so hard that it smashed.

"You're never ever leaving the house other than for work again! You're mine! You hear me?" Liam screamed in his face, the vein in his forehead popping out from anger.

Harry had tears just streaming down his face and he looked down at his shattered phone just feeling so scared and heartbroken. "P-Please...L-Li...I l-love him" Harry sobbed, finally breaking down and telling him.

But Liam did not care, Harry saying that just pissed him off even more. He reared back and laid a punch down to his face, then continued to hit him more on other parts of his body.

When he felt satisfied with Harry's punishment he pushed him down muttering, "clean this up you fucking whore" as he walked out of the room, leaving Harry to clean up the shattered phone pieces.

Harry knew that this was just the beginning of his punishments...

Hey guys, Violet here. I really hope you liked this chapter! Thank you guys for reading so far! Love ya (:

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