• chapter thirty four •

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"Okay...enough's enough Louis. We're taking you to the doctors" Harry told Louis the second that he finished throwing up.

Louis didn't protest that time, he just nodded softly and stood up. "Could we reschedule today?" Harry asked Mitch as he was helping Louis to his feet.

"Of course. Why don't I take him to the car and you change back into regular clothes?" Mitch suggested, since Harry was still in lingerie and a robe. Harry nodded, making sure Louis was good with Mitch before going to get dressed into normal clothes.

Mitch walked Louis all the way out to the car and then waited for Harry to come out. Louis was sitting there feeling so dizzy and so nauseous that he could barely even think.

The next thing he knew Harry was driving him to the doctors. Harry had his hand in Louis' and he was looking so scared as he drove. "Hang in there love...we're getting you to the doctors" Harry told him as they were driving.

Louis nodded, he really was not feeling well at all. His head was pounding so hard and he was just having a very rough time.


"Okay babe we're here..." Harry told him after a while, he had opened the door to the car and was standing there trying to help Louis get out.

Louis grabbed onto Harry's hand and got out, a bit wobbly on his feet at first but he managed to walk in with Harry. "I'm so sorry you don't feel well my love...we're gonna get you better." Harry told him as they opened the door and walked into the waiting room.

Harry was standing with Louis at the counter and the receptionist could just tell Louis wasn't right. "The lights in here are really bright..." Louis whispered, his head pounding as he leaned on the desk for support. Harry was checking him in and everything.

"I know. I'm sorry love..." Harry sighed, writing on the paper as Louis swayed a little bit. His head felt heavy with how much it hurt.

"No...I uh...feel really..." Louis started to say, trailing off as he had his eyes shut, swaying some more. He was trying so hard to tell Harry what was wrong but he felt awful. He opened his mouth to say something else but...

Everything went black.

"Louis!" Harry gasped as Louis collapsed to the floor. The receptionist called nurses to come help as Harry knelt down beside him.

Louis was out for a good minute or so before his eyes opened again. The pain in his head made him feel so awful that he'd passed out. "Louis honey..." Harry said, crying because he was so scared for Louis' health.

"I-I'm okay now..." he whispered, letting the doctors help him up into a sitting position. Everyone in the room was now looking at him. All the people in the room knew something was wrong with him.

They were now back into a room, sitting in the chairs until the doctor came to see them. Harry had his arm around Louis and Louis laid his head on Harry's shoulder.

"I'm so worried about you..." Harry whispered, running his hands continuously through Louis' hair and massaging his head. He knew something was wrong and he didn't know what, it really killed him to see Louis like this.

Harry leaned over and kissed the top of Louis' head as they heard a knock on the door. Then the doctor came in, seeing the both of them and frowning. They were both sitting there looking so worried about what was going on.

"Alright...so from what the nurse gave me, it says you've been getting sick a lot lately?" The doctor asked and Louis nodded, sitting there holding tightly onto Harry's hand.

The doctor started talking, having Louis come with him to take some tests and Harry was left in the room worrying sick. He just wanted to get Louis better instead of sitting around wondering.

The answers couldn't come soon enough.

The doctors had taken several tests, but after that they had to send them home since the results wouldn't come for a couple days.

Those days had passed and Harry was so anxious, he'd been trying to take care of Louis ever since then and today was no different besides they had to go back into the doctors.

"Lou baby..." Harry whispered, rubbing up and down Louis' back as they were laying in their bed sleeping. Harry's alarm had woken him up but Louis was still fast asleep as he'd had a pretty rough night and was just out.

Louis' eyes fluttered open and Harry sighed, he looked so exhausted and Harry felt bad waking him up.

"We gotta get you back to the doctors my love..." Harry told him, taking the covers off him and helping him up. Louis' head still really hurt and his headaches hadn't gotten any better.

"I really don't wanna go..." Louis whispered as Harry was picking out a comfy outfit for the day. "I know, but hopefully these results will tell us what you have and you can get something to make you better" Harry smiled as they got ready to leave.

Louis was quiet the whole car ride there, his head was hurting so bad that he had to wear sunglasses. He was really thankful Harry was there though, otherwise he would be driving to this appointment all alone.

They were back in the dreaded doctors office, sitting in a room waiting for the doctor to come back in and tell them what was going on.

Harry bounced his leg and chewed at his thumbnail, he was very nervous and couldn't take the waiting.

Thankfully though, the doctor walked in soon after and sat down. Harry's stomach dropped however, the look on the doctor's face was very serious and Harry was scared it was something really bad.

"So...what is it?" Harry asked, squeezing Louis' hand tightly as the doctor got his paperwork out.

"Yeah...well ummm I'm sorry to say it's not very good news." The doctor started, hesitating because it was obvious he didn't want to say what the results were. "After looking through Louis' scans we noticed a growth in his brain...it looks to be a type of cancer called astrocytoma. It's causing the headaches and sicknesses" the doctor told them, making Harry's eyes well up with tears.

"What does the treatment look like?" Harry asked quickly, looking at Louis who looked like he was trying not to cry himself.

"That's the thing...there is no treatment...because of where it is in his brain, we are unable to operate and remove it. It's so rapid that chemo or radiation are not going to fix it...unfortunately we have to let it run its course and that course is well, death..." the doctor explained, making Harry's officially break down.

"What? That can't be right...h-how long? It's gotta be like a couple years at least right?" Harry asked, tears streaming down his face as Louis was crying into his hand.

"Well it's already pretty far gone, so I would say like two to three months? Maybe even less" The doctor told them, making Harry's heart just sink. He couldn't believe this. What were they going to do?

Harry shook his head, turning to Louis and hugging him so tight as they both just broke down.

"I-I'm not ready to go..." Harry heard Louis whisper as they embraced, both of them crying hysterically at this news.

It couldn't be right...

Louis was so young...

They didn't have enough time left...

Hey guys! This chapter is very sad I know! I'm sorry to do it to you! But nevertheless, I hope you all enjoyed. Thanks for reading so far!
-Violet 💜

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