• chapter twenty •

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Harry had to admit, he was growing very attached.

He and this baby had been spending so much time together that both of them were starting to grow attached. Everleigh thought of Harry as her mummy/main caregiver at this point and Harry was starting to feel that way.

"Good morning little honeybee" Harry cooed as he walked into Everleigh's room. She was in her crib, making grabby hands to Harry and sucking on her pacifier.

Harry smiled, going over and picking her up. Then he took her to the changing table, changing her diaper and getting her dressed for the day. This was their morning routine every morning, both having become very accustomed to it.

"Alright my darling, let's go down and get you some breakfast." Harry smiled, walking downstairs with Everleigh on his hip.

Harry went into the kitchen where Liam was, getting a cup of coffee and he saw the two of them come down. "What're you making me for breakfast?" Liam asked, smacking Harry right on the bum and grabbing it. This made Harry's blood absolutely boil, he hated when Liam even made any sort of advancement on him. He was disgusted that he even had to sleep next to someone he hated so badly.

"Liam...don't do that in front of Everleigh please. Go sit at the table, I'm making waffles this morning. They'll be right out" Harry told him calmly, trying to avoid getting beaten before he had to work. But he was so tired of Liam at this point, he hated whenever Liam laid a hand on him in any sort of way.

"You know you have a real stick up your ass Harry." Liam muttered as he went to the table to sit and wait. He didn't offer to take the baby or anything either. Harry had to cook breakfast with Everleigh on his hip. He was very frustrated and annoyed by that but he hid it perfectly, because he feared Liam so much.

Harry sighed softly, not saying a word as he started cooking their breakfast. When he finished he sat down to feed Everleigh while Liam was eating his.

By the time he'd gotten everyone ready he had no time to eat or get ready for his shoot. So he just grabbed a granola bar on the way out and left the house.

Harry wasn't surprised to see Louis as his photographer, he had been texting with him all night long and was so happy to spend the whole day with him taking pictures. Harry was sitting in the makeup chair, watching Louis who was putting his equipment together.

Harry honestly couldn't take his eyes off him, nor did he want to. But he frowned when Louis pulled out a pill bottle and poured out about four Tylenols into his hand and popped them in his mouth. Louis' hands were a bit shaky as well and that made Harry nervous.

So when he was out of the chair, he walked straight over to Louis who was just finishing up with what he was doing. "You okay?" Harry asked, putting a hand on his shoulder and looking at him, very very concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just have a bit of a headache is all. I just wanted to make sure the Tylenol worked so that I could actually do my job" Louis told him, smiling and seeming like his normal self, just slightly tired.

"Well...maybe I could come over after work and we can cuddle? Liam doesn't get home until late tonight and I can always tell the babysitter to keep Everleigh a bit longer." Harry said, happy he seemed fine but he still wanted to cuddle him just in case. Plus he missed having his snuggles, he was an affectionate person and Liam was the complete opposite.

"I'd love that...let's do it" Louis smiled, about to lean in for a kiss but remembered people were around and stopped himself.

Harry grinned at him, squeezing his arm and walking away to get his first outfit on for today.

Harry was now at Louis' house and they were up in his bed. They were snuggled up under the sheets and were watching a movie. Harry laid against Louis and had his arms around Louis' torso. He was rubbing his chest a little and both of them were very comfortable.

"I want this Lou...I want to be able to lay here with you all day, nobody to come in between us." Harry whispered, drawing shapes gently into Louis' chest as they laid there.

When he didn't receive an answer from Louis he frowned, automatically getting worried. But when he looked up at Louis he saw his eyes were closed and he was peacefully sleeping. "Lou...baby..." Harry whispered, rubbing his chest a little bit harder and it woke Louis up.

"You fell asleep..." Harry whispered as he rested his chin on Louis' chest and Louis rubbed his eyes groggily.

"M'sorry...I dunno why I'm so tired, probably cause we had to wake up early. Sorry again..." Louis mumbled sleepily, his eyes not adjusting to the light so Harry got up, turning off the overhead light and just putting a lamp on.

"Don't worry about it babe. You can nap. I'll wake you up when I leave okay?" Harry asked with a smile, finding a groggy Louis super cute and sweet.

"Thank you...love you" Louis smiled back, shutting his eyes again and holding up the covers so Harry could get back in. Harry got in, nuzzling himself next to Louis and starting to pepper kisses on his face.

The feeling of Harry's soft lips on his face really soothed him, he had already been half asleep but Harry's affection just made him even sleepier. So he fell back to sleep pretty quickly, having Harry all snuggled up close with him again.

Louis slept for another hour and a half before Harry had to leave. He rubbed Louis' arm gently, scratching it a bit with his nails which sent shivers down Louis' spine, causing him to open his eyes. "Mitch is here to take me home Lou..." Harry mumbled quietly, sitting up and looking down at Louis.

"Nooo...don't go" Louis groaned, grabbing onto Harry's shirt because he didn't want him to leave. He wanted Harry to just be able to have a permanent spot next to him in his bed, instead of being the occasional visitor.

Harry giggled a little, they went through this every time he had to leave. "I know I know, I wish I didn't have to go either, but Everleigh is gonna need me back home. I'll text you tonight though? Then maybe I can come see you tomorrow? I have tomorrow off." Harry told him, but Louis really didn't like that answer.

"But we were so comfy" he whined, making Harry laugh softly. "I'm sorry...I know, I wish I could stay...why don't you sit up and give me a kiss okay? Sorry I have to leave" Harry told him with a smile, brushing a bit of his hair away from his forehead.

Louis huffed a little and sat up, opening his eyes a bit more too and he leaned over to give Harry his goodbye kiss. He hated that Harry had to go, he wanted Harry to stay and be his, he wanted to soak up every moment with him.

Louis kissed his lips, putting his hands on Harry's waist and moving to kiss Harry's neck. He figured, if he tempted Harry with sleeping with him then he'd stay.

But that didn't work, all Harry did was feel worse about leaving. "Babe...I really have to go...I'm sorry" Harry sighed, letting Louis kiss his neck one more time before getting up, not wanting it to go too far.

"Love you more than anything. I'll see you tomorrow okay?" Harry asked, blowing Louis kisses as he got his shoes on. Louis pouted a little bit, watching Harry leave was very devastating to him. He just wanted Harry to himself.

"Love you too...bye" Louis sighed, watching Harry walk out the door.

Harry spent the whole ride home feeling guilty, Louis was really being clingy and he secretly loved that, but he felt bad about leaving. Louis always got so upset when he left, and that made him sad.

But Louis had acted a little weird this time and Harry couldn't deny that...

Another chapter down! Really hope you guys enjoyed!! Thanks for reading and leaving feedback! -Violet 😻

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