• chapter twenty seven •

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//TW: Domestic Abuse and Alcohol Use

The brand finally launched, and Harry's lingerie photos had just been released. He hadn't told Liam they were dropping that day, because he was hoping maybe he wouldn't even see them.

He hadn't expected them to blow up the way they did though.

He was trending on every social media platform within hours, and already he was gaining a hefty amount of new followers. He rarely used his socials, and although he already had a large following, it was now growing rapidly.

He really wanted to be excited, this had been something he'd really been looking forward to, but now that the photos were available to everyone, he was afraid. He knew how Liam felt about it, and while Liam was aware Harry had gone through with the project, he surely didn't expect it to become so huge.

"Harry!" Liam shouted as he stormed through the front door. He'd left work early after seeing him trending online. "Why the hell am I seeing you half dressed, all over the internet?!"

Harry sighed, he knew this was coming. "Liam you were literally there, you showed up when they were taking the pictures."

"Yeah I fucking know that you idiot," he muttered, grabbing a bottle of whiskey from the cabinet. "You didn't tell me it was going to be such a big launch."

Harry sighed, "I didn't know it was going to go viral like this, but so what? You should be happy for me!"

Liam opened the bottle and took a long swig of the burning liquid. He'd been drinking pretty heavily recently, not handling Harry's new attitude very well. "I should be happy?! Happy that my boyfriend is out displaying himself for the world to see? I don't want to share you. You're mine dammit!"

"You don't own me Liam. I may be your boyfriend but I'm not your property." Harry seethed.

Liam grabbed Harry's bum and met his eyes. "The handprints on your back would beg to differ," he said, his voice sharp.

Harry swallowed the lump that was swelling up in his throat. "Shut up Liam, just shut up. You're gonna wake Everleigh." He pulled himself away and turned around only to get tugged back by his long curls.

"If you stop arguing and talking back, it'll be plenty quiet." Liam muttered, taking another drink. "Now we're gonna go to the bedroom, and maybe some fun will fix your attitude... oh and remind you that you're mine."

Harry was so so tired, and he didn't want to hear more yelling and he definitely didn't want Everleigh to wake up to their shouting, so he reluctantly followed Liam.

It had been a long time since Harry had actually enjoyed doing anything with Liam, and this time was no different.

He needed to get out.

As Harry's fame continued to grow over the next few weeks, Liam's drinking started to get out of control.

He hated the attention that Harry was receiving, and he felt like he was the only one who should get to certain sides of Harry that were now public.

"Really Liam?" Harry asked one Saturday morning, walking into the kitchen with Everleigh on his hip.

Liam was sitting at the kitchen table with a beer, even though it was only 8 am. "Yes, really." He responded flatly. "Is there a problem?"

"Well I just don't think this is a good environment for your daughter." Harry said, "your drinking is becoming a problem."

"Yeah, and so is your modeling." Liam snarled.

Harry rolled his eyes, "I'm making the majority of the money for us by doing this, you realize that right?"

"Fucking hell Harry, why can't you just shut up? You act like this and then have the audacity to seem surprised that I'm drinking so much? You're the reason Harry." Liam said, glaring at him. "What happened to my quiet, pleasant boyfriend? You need to get your shit together."

"Well maybe I don't want to be your 'quiet, pleasant boyfriend' anymore Liam." Harry replied.

"Well, what do you want to be then huh? Whatever you're doing right now isn't going to work." Liam said.

"I want to be happy." Harry replied, "That's what I want."

"You were happy though Harry! You were happy before you started acting up like this. We've been together for years and you've never been a problem until now." Liam told him with cold eyes. 

"Okay that's it." Harry muttered not wanting to hear another word as Everleigh started fussing. "I'm going to see if me and Ev can go stay with Mitch and Sarah until you can get yourself sober. This is no environment for a baby."

"No. No way, you're not going anywhere." Liam snapped, getting up and grabbing Harry's arm, making Everleigh more upset.

"Liam stop it. You're upsetting her." Harry said, tugging himself away and holding her closely. "Either I'm going to stay with them or you're getting kicked out until you can get yourself under control."

Liam huffed. "Fine, go stay with them. But I expect a daily update from Mitch. Got it?"

Harry nodded, and Liam reluctantly handed him his phone to call Mitch from.

Harry lugged a few bags out to Mitch's car, relieved to see him. He'd had such a rough patch and it was good to see someone who he trusted.

"Hey H, how's it going?" Mitch asked sadly, as Sarah took Everleigh and got her into her car seat.

"Honestly, not good. I mean you know that already though." Harry sighed.

Mitch nodded and put a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it a little. "It's gonna be alright yeah? And this is a step in the right direction. I know it's nothing permanent yet but still, this is good Harry."

Harry nodded a little, wiping at his eyes where tears were about to fall. "You're the best... thanks for everything Mitch."

He smiled. "No problem Harry, I'm happy to help however I can okay?"

Harry sniffled and nodded, then helped get the bags into the car.

"Alright, let's go." Mitch said once the car was all packed, and everyone was buckled in.

"I have to warn you," Sarah spoke up. "the house isn't the tidiest right now, I've been doing some rearranging."

"Oh, it's alright. I actually was gonna ask, can you take me to Louis'?" Harry replied softly.

Mitch and Sarah smiled knowingly, "Of course. Does he know you're coming?" Mitch asked.

Harry shook his head, "No, my phone died and I haven't had a moment to charge it today without Liam seeing."

"Alright, well I'm sure he'll be pleasantly surprised then." Sarah said with a knowing smirk, making Harry giggle a bit.

As they pulled into Louis' driveway, Harry felt a weight lift off his shoulders.

This felt like home.

Hey guys! It's Stella!:) hope you enjoyed this chapter, Harry's starting to get himself more distanced, yay!


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