• chapter twenty eight •

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//TW: Eating Disorder

Harry rang Louis' doorbell, Everleigh on his hip and he was kind of anxious. Even though he knew Louis would, he just had a fear that Louis wouldn't let them stay.

But the door opened and they were met with a smiley Louis. "Hey cuties...what're you doing here?" Louis asked, seeing Harry had bags with him and he kind of got excited.

"Well Liam's being more of a dickhead than normal and I told him I was staying with Mitch for a couple days...but I thought it was better if I stayed here...you wouldn't mind would you?" Harry asked him, seeming nervous.

"No of course not! I'm happy you're here" Louis smiled at him and looked at Everleigh who was looking around. "Why don't I take her and you can put your stuff in our room?" Louis asked, making Harry's stomach flutter.

He said our.

Our room...

That made Harry just feel so full. It was the little things like this that made him happy. Harry bit back a smile and handed Everleigh over then went upstairs to put the bags he had in Louis'...their room.

When he came back downstairs he heard Everleigh's giggles. He walked into the living room where Louis had her laying on the couch and had her little shirt pulled up and was blowing raspberries into her tummy which made her let out the happiest of giggles. Harry's heart warmed so much, he loved that she was really seeming to warm up to Louis.

"Is he making you laugh Ev?" Harry asked with a smile as he sat down. She just giggled, looking up at both of them as Louis pulled her shirt down and picked her back up.

"Thanks for having us" Harry smiled, laying on Louis' shoulder as Louis held Everleigh. "Of course, I love you guys...I'm happy to have you over. If I had it my way you'd be here all the time" Louis told him, really loving to have Everleigh around even if her dad was someone who hurt Harry so much.

"Plus...we could really use this time to work on your eating don't you think? Since you're not gonna have to cook for Liam or anything, so you won't have someone telling you not to eat." Louis told Harry, who got immediately got nervous. It was kind of the reaction he had whenever someone brought up his eating disorder. Even if it was Louis, it made him nervous.

"Umm yeah...I-I guess" Harry mumbled, his hands trembling a little bit as he looked up at Louis.

"It's alright baby, don't be scared. I'll be here with you every step of the way. I'm not here to judge either, we use food to nurture our bodies in this house. We don't cut calories that our bodies need" Louis told him confidently, kissing his cheek after that.

Harry nodded and smiled a little, Louis always did seem to ease his nerves about eating. Plus Louis made really delicious food.

The rest of the day went well, they basically just chilled and played with Everleigh of course.

Louis was in the kitchen cooking some food while Harry walked in with a sleepy Everleigh. She had just woken up from her nap and was cranky, wanting her dinner.

"Someone took a long nap" Louis said, seeing her on Harry's hip and taking her since the food was in the oven and Harry needed to get her food out.

"Yeah she never naps this long, must've just been worn out from all the playing today. She's a little cranky though" Harry told Louis, getting her baby food from the fridge.

"Aww did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Louis cooed at her, kissing her cheek a few times and she laid against him cutely while whining a bit.

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