• chapter eighteen •

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//TW: Domestic Abuse, Eating Disorders, and mental health

Harry wanted Louis back.

But now he figured that he probably hated him since he hadn't responded to any of his texts or snuck out to see him. Harry was trapped, in this house, and in this relationship that he hated to be in.

How could he not have Louis but Liam got to cheat on him all the time and have a kid?

A baby.

Harry knew Liam wouldn't be a good father and he was sad for this little baby's life. Her mother didn't want her and her father was an abusive person who was rarely around. He hoped that Liam never even thought about laying a finger on this innocent baby. Harry wouldn't know what to do with himself if he did.

Harry hadn't really said much to Liam since he had brought the baby into the kitchen. He was beyond upset and he didn't really know what to do with himself. He knew that Liam had only brought this baby into their lives to drag him further into this relationship and he didn't know what to do.

"Well I'm gonna go out with some friends tonight. Would you mind watching Everleigh for me?" Liam asked, having just got home with his baby and he was already ditching her. He literally just set the car seat on the ground and grabbed his keys.

"I guess I don't really have a choice do I?" Harry mumbled, feeling really angry at Liam. "Don't start your pissy attitudes with me. Who's fault is it that they need to be punished?" Liam asked and Harry just sighed angrily, not saying another word.

Liam walked out of the house, leaving Harry with this little baby staring up at him. He looked down at her, not even knowing what to do. He'd never taken care of a child this young in his life.

She started to fuss and Harry panicked, he wasn't going to be able to care for this child.

He knelt down anyways, unbuckling the child's seatbelts and taking her out. "It's okay...shhh..." Harry mumbled to her, lifting her out and standing up with her.

She was pretty cute, having round chubby cheeks, light brown eyes, long dark eyelashes, and already a bit of brunette hair covering her head.

But that didn't mean Harry wanted to take care of her.

It wasn't his baby.

It shouldn't be his problem.

The next couple days were hell to Harry, he was stuck to take care of this baby all on his own. He didn't know what to do anymore, he felt so trapped and so upset. He had a feeling he'd never see the love of his life again either and it was causing him to become severely sad.

He also hadn't had many jobs scheduled for him in about two weeks, meaning he'd been home this whole time just sitting in his house sulking.

He sat on the couch, knees up to his chest and his face in his hands. He had just felt emotional all morning and he just felt like crying right now, so that's what he did while the baby slept in her crib upstairs.

He just wanted to be out of this relationship, he wished he could turn his back to this part of his life and be able to move on.

But now he felt like he was stuck forever.

Harry had work the next day thankfully, he got out of bed and waited for Liam to drive him. They had a babysitter for Everleigh and Harry was so excited, he hadn't been out of the house in a while.

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