• epilogue •

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"Harry...you have to get out of bed..." Mitch sighed sadly, knowing this was hard for him.

Harry had been in bed for weeks, he was overcome by a deep dark storm cloud that loomed over him...there was no sunny day in sight.

That cloud was grief.

Ever since that morning, the morning he woke up and his lover had slipped away in the night. Nothing had been the same...nothing would ever be the same again.

"I don't see the point in it anymore..." Harry mumbled as a fresh batch of tears brewed in his eyes. He had been crying nonstop and his eyes were red, swollen because of the hard sobs that came out of him.

Mitch couldn't help but get a little teary eyed himself when Harry said that. He couldn't stand to see his best friend this way.

"Harry, I know this is hard...it's the hardest thing you'll ever do in your life." Mitch crouched down to Harry's level to look him in the eyes. "But you know Louis wouldn't want this, Louis wants you to be happy. Of course you're going to grieve...I guess what I'm trying to say is...your 'point' is sitting downstairs, waiting for her mummy. You and I both know that Louis wants you to live your lives together. You have to be the one to keep his memory going...for her"

*Five years later*

Harry was blinded by flashes, only being able to see out in the crowd for split seconds. He was trying to keep his stone cold runway face, but that was difficult when there were tears forming in his eyes.

Harry had kept going for the past five years, despite his grief and the difficulty of not having Louis. But the time had come, this wasn't the same anymore. Those once familiar flashes weren't the same.

Because he knew Louis wasn't the one behind the camera.

It was just him, in front of the camera...on the last runway of his career. He felt it was time to put this side of him away and focus on raising the most important thing in his life.


As he walked towards the end of the stage he couldn't help but let a single tear roll down his face. He blew a kiss to the audience and waved before turning around and walking back down the runway.

The fans of his modeling knew, they all knew today was Harry's last and it was somber in the seats of that runway show.

When he stepped backstage, he let the tears flow and finally was able to take the breath that he'd been holding.

"Mummy!" He heard from somewhere backstage, following the sweet voice and seeing Everleigh, now six, running towards him with her arms open.

Harry smiled through his tears, opening his arms and hugging Everleigh close. "Why are you crying mummy?" She asked, her young brain not understanding such big emotions yet.

"You will understand someday sweetheart..." Harry whispered, hugging her and sobbing silently.

"Is it because of daddy?" Everleigh asked, Harry talked about Louis constantly even to this day. He had tried so hard to keep his memory alive in Everleigh.

"Yeah...it's because of daddy..." Harry nodded, going quiet after that and holding her close.

Later that night, Harry was laying in bed with a sleeping Everleigh next to him. He had Louis' letter in his hand and he kept reading over it.

It had been five years and he still came to the letter for comfort, he could still hear Louis' voice when he read it.

"You'll never know how much I miss you..." Harry whispered, wiping his tears and hugging the letter to his chest. He then turned over in bed, cuddling with Everleigh and sighing sadly.

He knew there would never be another like Louis, nobody could ever compare to that love.

It was just him and Everleigh now, Harry was ready to focus on her and her only. Today was just the beginning of that...

They had their whole lives to live.

Hey guys! I hope this wraps up the story how you would've hoped! I know it's sad but thank you so much for the support on this! Me and Stella both have thoroughly enjoyed the love on this book! So thank you again for reading...and we'll be back with another book! Bye for now :)


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