• chapter twenty one •

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//TW: Domestic Abuse

When Harry got home he was surprised to see that Liam was home earlier than him, and he immediately felt bad because he knew that meant Everleigh had been left under his care.

"You're home early," Harry said, walking into the kitchen where Liam was sitting at the table with a beer and scrolling through his phone.

"Yeah, and you're home late." Liam said, looking up from his phone. "What took you so long? These photoshoots of yours keep going over time! You can't just expect me to make dinner and take care of Everleigh because you're late!"

Harry internally debated whether he had the energy or courage to fight back right now, he really didn't want to get beaten, but he wanted to stand his ground. "You can't possibly make dinner or take care of your own daughter? You know how pathetic that sounds right?" Harry argued, something he would've never done up until recently.

"If you wanna know what's pathetic, just to take a look in the mirror." Liam replied coldly.

"Liam if I'm so pathetic than why the fuck are you dating me in the first place?!" Harry shouted, he was so done with Liam's bullshit.

"Because Harry! You're mine. And no one else would want you anyway so you're lucky to even have me." Liam said, his voice low and harsh.

"That's not true Liam! You know that! Remember how worried you were about me and Louis? Would you be worried if you didn't think-"

Harry was cut off by a sharp punch to the jaw, and another to his nose. "Shut the hell up Harry!" Liam shoved him a little, "I don't want to fucking hear it! If you know what's good for you, you'd be quiet."

Harry's hands instinctively went up to his face, shielding himself from Liam. "Fuck you." Harry mumbled under his breath, backing away from him.

It was then, that he heard poor Everleigh's cries coming from the nursery. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go take care of your daughter."

Harry walked off to grab a rag because his nose was now bleeding, and then headed to the nursery. He opened the door and her cries just broke his heart, he knew he needed to get her out of this environment, and he felt guilty that he was having such a hard time with doing that.

"Hey little one, it's alright..." Harry said calmly as he walked in, standing next to her crib and putting his free hand inside, letting her wrap her little hand around his finger. He wanted to pick her up, but until he stopped bleeding that was kind of out of the question.

"I'm so sorry you had to hear all that baby... I'm going to get us out of here soon, I promise." He said softly, just his presence alone was starting to calm her down, and her cries were reduced to little hiccups and sniffles.

"That's it darling.... see you're okay." He spoke so gently and lovingly. "I'm right here."

When Harry could tell his nose had stopped bleeding he rushed off to toss the rag in the washer and then immediately returned, scooping her up. He kissed her little head and sighed.

She deserves better, he thought. So much better.

"I'm sleeping on the couch." Harry told Liam a few hours later after putting Everleigh to bed.

"No the hell you're not." Liam snapped, "I have a guy coming over for us tonight. He's expecting a threesome and so am I."

"No, Liam." Harry said, trying to stand his ground. Louis and Everleigh were in the back of his mind and it was giving him courage that he'd never had before.

"Don't argue with me." Liam replied, grabbing Harry by the shirt and shaking him a little. "We're going to have fun for once tonight, and that's final."

"Liam I didn't agree to this, and you can't make me." Harry's voice was trembling with fear, he knew he'd be beaten for this but he would rather that than go along with what Liam wanted.

"I can and I will." Liam argued and spat in his face, "Now stop being a little bitch."

"No, you actually won't." Harry said, squeezing his eyes shut as he did, knowing this wouldn't end well.

Liam absolutely lost it. He let go of Harry's shirt, tossing him to the ground, and kicked him a couple of times in the ribs. "Thanks for ruining what could've been a fun night."

Harry didn't respond, instead he curled up into a ball and finally let himself cry. He'd been holding it back, but he couldn't anymore.

He stayed like that for hours until he finally decided he wanted to go lie down, and just as he told Liam, he headed to the couch. He got cozy beneath a blanket and after making sure Liam was still out of sight he pulled out his phone to text Louis.

H: Still okay if I come over tomorrow since I'm off? :)

Only seconds later he received a response.

L: is that even a question? Of course! I miss you already :(

Harry giggled softly and typed out a reply.

H: I miss you too. Mind if I bring Ev? I think you'd love her!

L: For sure, I've been wanting to meet her with the way you talk about her :)

Harry couldn't hold back his smile.

H: Great, I'll see you then! Mitch is gonna drive me over sometime in the morning

He paused, and then sent another text.

H: Oh, Louis?

L: Yeah?

H: I fought back today.

Tears sprung to his eyes when Louis sent the sweetest response.

L: I'm SO proud of you Haz. This is a big step for you, and that's amazing! You don't even understand how proud I am. You're the strongest person I know Harry and I mean that. I love you so much❤️

Harry muffled the sound of his crying with his fist.

H: I love you too:)

That's it! I hope you liked it! Thanks for always leaving the best comments and feedback it means so much:) until next time!!


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