• chapter thirty six •

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Harry woke up the next morning, feeling exhausted. He hadn't gotten any sleep because he was up all night worrying about Louis. He'd only slept about two hours.

After Louis had fallen asleep in his arms that night Harry had to try his very best to carry him back to bed. It was a struggle for sure, but he knew he had to do it. He didn't want Louis to be awake any more that night, he'd already had a horrible time and waking him back up would be worse.

Harry was getting ready for the day, Everleigh on his hip as he was in the bathroom trying to brush his teeth. He had to work again today and he wasn't looking forward to it.

Luckily it was something short and then he'd be able to come back home to Louis.

Harry had just spit his toothpaste out when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. He looked over and saw Louis standing there looking so tired.

"Why are you out of bed my love..." Harry whispered as Louis came over and hugged him from behind. Harry could just feel he had a fever when he laid his head against him.

"I don't feel good...and I don't want you to go to work..." Louis told him, his voice barely audible. Harry couldn't help but feel bad, he really wanted to stay back with Louis but he couldn't cancel anymore work.

"I know babydoll...but I have to. I'm gonna try and make it a half day today okay? So maybe I can come home and take care of you." Harry told him, turning around to give him a hug.

Louis nodded, still not wanting Harry to leave but he didn't really have a choice.

Harry wrapped his arms tightly around Louis and pressed gentle kisses into his cheeks, feeling awful that he had to work but he didn't have any other options.

"I love you" Harry told him, rubbing his back before letting go and getting Everleigh ready so they could leave to go to the babysitters, and work.

Louis watched as Harry put his shoes on and walked out the door. He blew a kiss to Louis and then was gone, leaving Louis standing at the door just feeling deflated.

He wanted Harry to just be there to take care of him, give him cuddles and make him soup. That was the only thing in the world that could make his situation any better right now.

Only Harry.

Louis was laying on the couch, snuggled up under multiple blankets and was watching the tv but had it on mute as the volume would have been too loud for his headache.

Meanwhile outside the house things weren't as peaceful. Since Harry was pretty famous, that put everything he did on high alert for fans and paparazzi. About a month ago him and Louis had been out on a walk and pictures had been taken. It circled around the internet and people went a bit nuts because he was back with the person he had cheated on Liam with.

Not only his fans saw this picture however, Liam had also been jealous and found it. They were walking right by their house too and it sent Liam over the edge.

He had to find out where Harry lived, he couldn't believe he was back with Louis. It angered him more than anything.

It had taken him a while, but he'd eventually found it. Now he was standing outside of Louis and Harry's house, his fists balled up at his sides.

He couldn't believe Harry went back to Louis and he was angry. He could see a car in the driveway so he knew that at least one of them were home so he walked up to the door.

Louis was just about to fall asleep on the couch when he heard a loud knocking on the door. So he slowly got up, really not wanting to but he wouldn't just leave the door.

When he opened the door he was shocked to say the least.

"What are you doing here?" Louis asked, trying not to get frustrated and make Liam frustrated because it was obvious he was already angry.

"Could ask you the same question..." Liam muttered, sounding so mad and Louis was trying to stay calm.

"Well this is my house" Louis told him, which he did not appreciate at all because he thought Louis was being sassy with him. "Why are you here with MY boyfriend! How dare you take him from me! I'm sure MY daughter is here too no doubt!" Liam yelled, getting very worked up.

"He's not your boyfriend anymore...and you signed the adoption papers. You gave up the opportunity to have both of them in your life. I can assure you neither of them are yours anymore." Louis told him, trying to shut the door more and more as the conversation went on.

"You're a fucking bitch you know that! You did this to me! You fucking snatched them both from me!" Liam screamed, getting so angry and grabbing Louis by the shirt and pushing the door open.

Louis had not been expecting that, he was too weak to fight back as well. "Wait...please, I don't want to start a fight..." Louis mumbled, getting really scared because he felt horrible and could not take this right now.

Liam only got in about one punch before luckily, Harry got home. He had rushed everything at work to take care of Louis and as he walked up and saw Liam standing in the doorway his heart fell out of his butt.

So he ran up, getting so scared and angry because he figured he was done with Liam and now here he was at his house and he was hurting his already sick boyfriend.

This made him feel anger he'd never felt before, he ran up to Liam and grabbed the back of his collar. He yanked him back as hard as he could, and surprisingly Liam fell back, letting go of Louis.

"Get the fuck off him!" Harry yelled, stepping in between Liam and Louis with a very angry look on his face.

"I'm so fucking sick and tired of this Liam! It's over! We're not going through this the rest of our lives! I'm calling the cops and I'm getting a restraining order! You will NOT continue this any longer!" Harry yelled, getting his phone out as Liam stood there looking shocked. Harry had never done anything this powerful before.

Nobody was going to lay hands on Louis...


Hey guys!! I'm so sorry this took so long! I've had such horrible writers block but it's finally here! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for the love on this book as well!

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