• chapter thirteen •

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Harry didn't wake until late the next morning, about eleven. He was just exhausted beyond belief, and actually being able to rest without having to wake up early was something he rarely got to experience. Usually he was up at the crack of dawn to make Liam breakfast before work.

He smiled when he opened his eyes and registered where he was, Louis' bed. The realization gave him butterflies.

Rubbing his eyes, he sat up slowly, each bone aching with the movement. Once he was in a full sitting position, the pain really hit though.

His trembling hands lifted his shirt, and he traced his boney fingers across his bruised ribs. He was certain one was broken. It was then, that Louis came walking into the room.

"Oh hey sleepyhead, you're awake." Louis smiled, coming over to him.

Harry blushed and immediately tugged his shirt down, not wanting Louis to see the purpling bruise. He was scared Louis would make him go to the doctor or the hospital, and he really didn't want to try and explain what happened, or raise any suspicions. And on top of that, if Liam found out, he'd be in huge trouble.

"How are you feeling?" Louis asked, coming and sitting on the bed beside him.

Harry shrugged a little. "M'okay... been better." He whispered, looking so small and breakable that Louis could cry.

"I'm so sorry," Louis put a hand on his cheek. "I think you need to see a doctor. You're pretty banged up."

Harry tensed up and quickly shook his head. "No. No way. I can't do that."

"Harry, sweetheart. You're really not well..." Louis said gently.

"No... no no no. I'm fine, no doctors. Please... please no doctors." Harry's eyes were large and frightened.

"A doctor can help in ways that I'm not capable of though," Louis said, his hand still on Harry's cheek as he rubbed it with his thumb.

"I don't care... I just want you. I don't want help from a doctor." Harry whimpered, his voice all quiet and weak.

Louis sighed, he didn't want to push Harry away, and he was afraid that with one wrong word or move he'd do just that. "Fine, no doctor."

"Thank you Louis, thank you so so much," Harry said, the desperation in his eyes morphing to relief.

"But." Louis emphasized, "I need you to make me a deal. I won't take you to the doctor, but you need to let me help take care of you. Because you really do need some help."

Harry nodded silently, biting his lip in fear as he lifted his shirt to show Louis.

"Oh God..." Louis whispered. It looked even worse than the night before as the bruises had darkened up and were more visible.

"I know... its hideous. I'm gross." Harry mumbled feeling very self conscious at Louis' reaction. He figured that now Louis wouldn't want to be romantic with him ever again.

"No love, no. What's gross, is Liam. That fucking bastard. He's the one that's gross, hideous, vile." Louis said, the veins on his forehead becoming visible with how angry he was.

Harry scooted backward a little, seeing the anger on Louis' face scared him. Even if it wasn't directed at Harry, he still couldn't help but feel afraid.

Noticing Harry's reaction, Louis immediately softened. "I'm sorry love.. I didn't mean to scare you. You're safe here okay? You'll always be safe with me."

Harry nodded, his eyes still so fearful. He looked like a deer in the headlights, and Louis was trying to be as gentle with him as possible. "I'm going to go get some cream and some ice for those bruises okay?" He said, standing up.

Harry nodded softly, his bottom lip trembling as he tried to hold back his tears.

"Hey..." Louis kissed Harry's forehead, looking down at him. "What's wrong hm?" He cupped Harry's chin, titling his head to face him.

"Nothing," Harry sniffled. "M'just happy to have you in my life. I dunno how I'd handle this on my own."

Louis smiled sadly. "You're never going to go through this alone ever again okay? I hope you never go through it again at all. If you'd let me, I'd be there to stop him every time. I can help you leave him Harry... just like you want to."

Harry stiffened, his mood immediately changing. "Louis don't. I don't wanna talk about this right now, okay?"

Louis swallowed thickly. "Harry we have to talk about it eventually. It's been three months and nothing has changed."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows angrily. "Oh wow. I'm so sorry I've made you wait 3 whole months while I try and get out of this abusive relationship. You told me to take my time! You don't know what it's like Louis! You don't know him like I do... it's easier said than done. You said you'd wait! I'm trying Louis... I'm fucking trying. And I'm sorry I'm not going fast enough for you." Harry snapped.

"Harry that's not what I meant.." Louis said quietly.

"What the hell did you mean then? Because I don't know how else to interpret that!"

"I just meant..." Louis ran a hand down his face, he was scared as hell to say what he was about to say, but it was the truth. "Look, I meant that it's already been three months, and Harry I'm willing to wait, fuck that's exactly what I'm doing. But Harry, listen to me. If I wait another three months... I'm not sure you'll be around." His voice softened to a whisper at the end, his voice cracking and eyes welling up with tears. "And I don't want to lose you, especially when you're not even mine to lose."

Harry froze, "Louis, I'm fine. Don't say that."

"No Harry, I'm sorry but no you're not fine. You're starving to death, and not only that, you're being beaten and shit on the whole time. I can't bear to see you do this."

"Louis, please. Please don't do this right now. I just want you to hold me." Harry said quietly. He was mentally and physically exhausted, and not up for any of this.

Louis sighed. "Okay... I'll go get some ice then I'm all yours."

Harry nodded, but as Louis was walking away he spoke up. "Louis?"

Louis turned around, "yeah?"

"I'm sorry for the outburst. I know you care, and I'm just really scared."

"I know you are. I'm scared too. But we have eachother and you're gonna be okay." Louis said, before turning and going to get the ice.

Once Louis was back, he helped Harry get cozy, and put the ice bags over his bruises, kissing each bruise as he did.

It filled Harry with warmth, he loved the feeling of being cared for.

"Here, I grabbed you this too. You don't have to finish it, but maybe try a few bites?" Louis handed him a banana muffin, "It's fresh, I made them this morning. I know bananas are your favorite."

"You remembered that?" Harry asked, shocked because Liam didn't know his favorite anything.

"Yeah, of course I did." Louis kissed his cheek, as Harry took the muffin.

He was quiet, taking a few bites, really trying hard because Louis made them for him.

He made them for him.

For him.

Harry finally spoke after a few minutes of silence, his hands shaking, and his heart pounding. He looked at Louis, feeling sweat prickle at the back of his neck, a blush creeping up to his cheeks. "Um.... Louis?" He asked, his voice shaky and nervous.

"Yeah darling? What is it? Something wrong?" Louis asked, since the tone of his voice was unusual.

"I..." Harry licked his lips, looking down at his lap. "I love you."

There you have it! I hope you enjoyed:) if you have feedback I'd love to hear it!

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