• chapter thirty •

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//TW: Domestic Abuse

Harry walked up to his front door, Everleigh on his hip and worry in his belly. He really didn't want to be there. But he knew that this was the moment, he had to break up with Liam for good. He was going to do what Louis had talked about...

The ultimatum.

Harry unlocked the door and went to the living room where he found Liam sitting on the couch, beer cans around him.

"Oh...you actually showed up. I almost can't believe my eyes!" Liam snapped, already looking angry and Harry knew he had to be brave and stand his ground.

"Now get your ass in the kitchen and start cooking dinner. I'm hungry." Liam demanded, looking Harry dead in the eyes.

"About that...I won't be doing anymore cooking. At least not for you anyways. I just came to tell you." Harry told him, putting on a show that he was strong and brave but he felt like he was anything but that right now.

"Excuse me?" Liam snapped, setting his beer aside and looking at Harry confused and angry.

"I'm tired of being treated like this Liam. I don't want to live in a house where I'm constantly getting berated and beaten. Not to mention you have been taking the money I earn for a long time. It has gotten to the point in our relationship where I don't love you anymore, I'm tired of being here. There's nothing you can do to stop me either. So don't even try" Harry told him, his heart feeling like it would pound right out of his chest.

"What did you just say to me?" Liam asked angrily, standing up and going over to Harry who felt very scared.

"I'm leaving you Liam. And I'm taking Everleigh with me. You're unfit to be her father" Harry told him, looking him directly in the eye and standing his ground. He still had Everleigh in his arms too.

"To hell you are! She's my fucking daughter! You'd be nowhere without me! You're not going anywhere!" Liam yelled, grabbing Harry's shirt and getting in his face.

Harry was beyond scared at this point, but he was trying so hard to be strong. "N-No...I'm taking her with me, either the hard way or the easy way. The easy way, you sign the adoption papers...hard way...I take you to court. I imagine a judge would agree that you are not who she should be with" Harry told him shakily.

"You fucking bitch!" Liam screamed, making Everleigh start to cry as he raised his fist and punched Harry. But on the way, because he was drunk, his fist hit Everleigh before hitting Harry and Harry's eyes widened.

Anger boiled up inside him as Everleigh was crying hysterically. He didn't even care that his nose was now bleeding.

"Get off me Liam!" Harry screamed, using his free arm to push Liam off him. Since Liam was shocked at what he'd done he let go of Harry and Harry stepped back.

"Don't even try and stop me! Look at what you did to her! I'm packing our bags and leaving immediately! What I don't get today I'll get tomorrow! You have until then to decide whether you're signing the papers or not." Harry snapped, quickly walking away to tend to Everleigh's wounds.

Harry started to cry the minute he was out of Liam's sight. "I'm so sorry baby...so sorry" Harry whispered to Everleigh, taking her to the bathroom to clean up her face. He himself had a bloody nose but Everleigh came first.

So he started to clean her face with a warm wash cloth and he saw that she had a bruise on her cheek that had a little cut. So he put a little bandaid over it and then started wiping his own nose.

Once everything was cleaned up and the tears were mostly gone Harry picked her up and took her upstairs. The second he got upstairs he called Mitch, trying not to cry. "Hey...can you come get me? I-I did it..." Harry mumbled, grabbing bags and suitcases so he could pack up as much as he could.

"Did it? You actually did it?" Mitch asked, sounding so surprised but so excited for Harry.

"Y-Yeah but he was drunk and he hit Everleigh and me both...and I just want to get out of here" Harry told Mitch, trying so hard not to burst into more tears.

"What? He hit her?" Mitch asked quickly as he was immediately going to the car. "I'll be there in ten."

Mitch had gotten there and Harry had already thrown like three bags together. He would be back the next day by himself to get the rest of his things. So when he saw Mitch's car pull up and started taking things out to the car.

Mitch went in to help him, Harry still outside whenever he walked in and he saw Liam standing in their bedroom where Harry's bags where. "S'cuse me" Mitch muttered, pushing past Liam to grab Harry's bag.

"He shouldn't be leaving" Liam mumbled, sounding very angry. "Shouldn't be leaving? What? Are you kidding? Of course he should! You're a fucking dick that doesn't know how to treat your significant others! You had your chance to love him and you didn't!" Mitch snapped at him.

"That's not true..." Liam muttered angrily but Mitch just shook his head and walked away. He walked out to Harry with the rest of his bags and put them in the car.

Harry put Everleigh in the car and then got in the passenger seat. He hadn't realized it but his hands were shaking. He had finally done what he'd wanted to for a while. He felt like crying, all the tears of trauma and heartbreak were over. He felt like he could finally breathe.

He was quiet the whole way to Louis' as that's where he'd told Mitch he wanted to go. Everleigh had fallen asleep on the way and he sat up front trying to hold in his tears.

Mitch had texted Louis about what had happened and when they pulled into his driveway he was standing on the porch waiting. He looked a lot better, still a little pale but it seemed his sickness was mostly gone.

Harry immediately teared up when he saw him, getting out of the car and getting Everleigh out all while blinking back tears.

Harry went inside, going to lay Everleigh down before running back out to Louis and crashing into him with a hug. That's when the flood gates finally opened and he started sobbing as Louis wrapped his arms around him.

"I'm so fucking proud of you" Louis whispered, pressing a kiss to Harry's head as Harry cried into him.

"I'm finally free..." Harry whispered, sounding so relieved but so sad at the same time.

"I know...we can finally start our lives together without worrying about Liam." Louis whispered, watching as Mitch carried his bags into the house.

"I can't wait..." Harry whispered, looking up at Louis with a tearful smile.

He couldn't believe he'd actually done it.

Hey guys!! Harry's finally free from Liam. Everyone party 🎉 anyways, hope you guys all liked this chapter! Thanks for all your love :)

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