• chapter twenty five •

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//TW: Domestic Abuse and ED

A week later it was the day of Harry's first shoot with the lingerie company. He had even managed to pull some strings and get Louis a job as one of the company's photographers. Louis did a lot of freelance work but Harry knew he wanted a solid, scheduled part time gig for when things got slow and this was perfect.

Naturally, given the situation, Harry was in the best mood as he walked into the studio where they'd be taking pictures that day.

The pieces they had set out for him were absolutely gorgeous too, and his eyes were wide and starry as he looked at them.

"Do you like them?" The designer asked, coming over and smiling.

"I do, they're lovely." Harry replied, shaking her outstretched hand.

"Wonderful! Well these are the three sets you're going to wear for today's photos. You're welcome to keep them if you'd like." She told him as the photographer walked in.

The photographer, Harry immediately realized, was not Louis.

In fact, he'd never even seen this guy before. Frowning, he hurried over to his bag and pulled out his phone to text Louis.

H: Hey where are you? You okay?

He watched his phone, seeing Louis was typing and soon his reply popped up.

L: Hey baby, I was just about to text you. I'm not feeling very good so I called out sick... I know it's my first day so I hope they're not too angry. Anyway I'm sorry, I'll miss you!

Harry frowned, immediately getting worried. He couldn't help it, he loved Louis and naturally if he didn't feel good it would worry Harry.

H: Aw lou I'm sorry:( I'm sure they understand. Do you think you have like a cold or a stomach bug or something?

L: I think it's honestly probably just a cold. Mostly just tired and achy.. but my head is pounding. Nothing serious! So don't worry okay?:) I know you are.

Harry blushed, Louis was right, he was worrying. He knew it was probably an overreaction to worry so much so he calmed down.

H: That sucks babe. Do you need anything?

L: Nope, just sleep I think :) good luck today! You're gonna be amazing!

Harry grinned down at his phone, even the smallest texts from Louis gave him butterflies.

H: Thanks Lou. I love you!

L: I love you too:)

Harry put his phone back into his bag and went to change. The first thing he put on was a lacy red set, and he felt gorgeous. He honestly wished Louis were here just to see his face because he knew he'd love this.

But hey, at least there would be pictures.

They had just wrapped for lunch when one of the employees at the studio came over to Harry, holding a bag. "This just got here for you," she told him, handing it over with a smile.

Harry was a little surprised but took it nonetheless, "thank you."

"No problem Harry," she replied before walking off.

Harry opened up the paper takeout bag, seeing a salad and a roll inside. He didn't even have to guess who it might be from, he already knew.

He grabbed his phone and immediately called Louis, biting back a smile as he did.

"Hey love," Louis answered the phone quietly.

Harry made sure to keep his voice equally quiet since Louis wasn't feeling good. "Hi babe. Some lunch just got here for me, and I don't suppose you might know who it's from?"

Louis laughed a little. "What? No I have no clue who sent you that."

"C'mon, I know it was you." Harry replied, making sure not to say Louis' name in case anyone overheard.

"Alright, alright you got me," Louis chuckled. "I had it doordashed over. I already know you didn't pack a solid lunch, and you need to eat. The salad has chicken, so you'll be getting some protein, and if you can eat the roll you'll have some energy from the carbs."

"That was so thoughtful... thank you." Harry said into the phone, he had been feeling hesitant about eating, but all the thought and effort Louis had put into this gave him the courage he needed to eat.

He ended up finishing the whole meal.

"You're late again." Liam said angrily with his arms folded over his broad chest.

"Only by like 30 minutes Liam. Sorry, there was a little traffic." Harry replied as he walked over to Everleigh who was in her bouncer making grabby hands at him and picked her up.

"And? 30 minutes is still late. You've got my schedule all thrown off, usually I've eaten by now." Liam said, giving him a cold stare. "But since you weren't here to cook, I've just been sitting here hungry."

"I seriously can't believe you." Harry shook his head, "You have two hands and a whole kitchen at your disposal."

"Yeah, and I also have a boyfriend who should be taking care of things around here instead of just wasting time." Liam snapped.

"I told you Liam, there was traffic."

If traffic meant going to drop off some soup and a  bath bomb for Louis, then yes, there was traffic.

"Whatever. Just get something on the table before I get angry." Liam muttered.

Harry wanted to reply with some snarky comment because Liam was already angry. But, for that very reason, he kept his mouth shut.

"Alright, just give me a few minutes. I've gotta feed Ev first." Harry said, kissing her little cheek and tickling her tummy to make her giggle.

Liam didn't respond, he just rolled his eyes and flicked on the TV to watch while he waited. With a sigh, Harry moved Everleigh so that she was on his hip and carried her to the kitchen.

"Hmm peas or sweet potatoes?" Harry asked in a babyish voice, cooing over Everleigh as she looked up at him.

"Yeah I think you're right, we should do sweet potatoes. Last time you spit your peas out." He spoke to her, as she just quietly let him hold her.

She loved him so much. He was honestly her whole little world. Her parent.

Soon Harry hoped Louis could become her other parental figure. They just needed to figure out the logistics and get past the biggest roadblock in their way.


Well there you have it! Another chapter down:) I hope you're still enjoying the book! We appreciate all your comments and support, it means so much!!

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