• chapter twelve •

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//TW: Eating Disorder, Domestic abuse, Use of the F-slur

It had been three weeks.

Harry's career had really hit the ground running, he'd had photo shoot after photo shoot, more runways, advertising, magazine covers, and now vogue, which the shoot was tomorrow.

Harry had been worked into the ground at this point, he was so busy and he barely had time to see Louis or really even talk to him. They would text every night but Harry would always fall asleep on the phone with him because he would be so exhausted when he got home from work.

Liam had been a nightmare as well, his moods were awful and Harry was really starting to hate everything about him.

But he didn't have much of a defense against Liam's terrors.

Harry's Vogue shoot had gone wonderfully, it was a dream for Harry and he'd done so well. The magazine was hitting the shops soon and he couldn't be more excited.

But there were some problems...

He still hadn't had much contact with Louis, still only being able to talk to him at night after work. He was also so overworked and exhausted, he'd hit his diet hard after Fashion week. He barely ate any food and now he was incorporating workouts into this all and being worked worse than a race horse didn't help.

On top of all that Liam was not happy at all about the vogue cover. Harry had been wearing a huge poofy dress and his hair was all down and styled femininely first of all. Second of all Harry was gaining a lot of fame from it, which made Liam furious.

"You look like a fucking cross dresser! I mean god...it's almost as if you're a fucking burlesque dancer mixed with a clown! Seriously...this is unacceptable. I can't believe you even allowed this to happen." Liam snapped, looking at the only copy of the vogue magazine and just so angry about it. "I don't even get why people like this! You look like a faggot!"

Harry was cooking dinner for Liam, standing there barely able to even listen because he felt awful. His body was so malnourished and tired that he could barely even think.

"I mean...I kind of am aren't I Liam? And aren't you? I mean...I'm not the only gay one in the room. Besides...clothing doesn't really make you gay. Anyone can wear what they want" Harry told him, currently trying to stir up some Mac and cheese but he was feeling so lightheaded.

"Did you just call me what I think you called me?" Liam asked angrily, although he'd just insulted Harry with the slur he didn't like that Harry implied that he was one, he hadn't even said it.

Harry turned to him quickly, really getting frantic. "No no no! I didn't, it's not what I meant...I-I..." Harry said quickly, he'd been so confident just a few seconds ago with his rebuttal to Liam but now that Liam was getting increasingly angry and violent he backpedaled. He'd been doing this recently, just because he was starting to realize that maybe he didn't love Liam, and maybe Liam didn't love him. It caused him to feel irritated with Liam, even defending himself a little bit.

But he wasn't strong enough, definitely not physically, but not really even mentally either.

"You're a little bitch you know that? You think you're the shit now with this new fame? Well you wanna know what I think? I think it's bullshit! You're just a nasty little cross-dressing whore!" Liam yelled in his face, landing a hard punch to it.

It was so agressive that he'd knocked Harry to the ground. Not only that but it really rung Harry's bell, his body was so weak that it couldn't handle that type of abuse.

Harry couldn't get up, he hadn't eaten all day and his skinny body was not recovering from the beating like he normally would. He felt very dizzy and the world was starting to spin. Then suddenly...

Everything went black.

Harry woke up hours later and the only thing he could feel was how bad his body hurt. His face throbbed from the punch he'd taken and it was obvious Liam hadn't finished when he'd passed out. He was struggling to breathe and he had an insane amount of pain in his ribs. He figured it was from Liam kicking him.

He looked around and saw that his phone had fallen from his pocket and was laying next to him, along with a piece of paper.

A note.

I need a break from you're attitude. I'm going to Ibiza. Be back Friday. Your attitude better be fucking fixed.


Harry sighed softly, wheezing from the pain in his ribs. He was so happy he wouldn't have to deal with Liam all week.

Then he realized, he couldn't get up.

Harry reached for his phone and dialed the number he wanted so quickly. He waited for him to pick up, desperately needing to see those beautiful blue eyes that he liked so dearly.

"Hello?" Louis answered, not expecting to get a call from Harry but he was happy nonetheless.

"Hey...I uhhh...I need you to come over" Harry mumbled, bursting into tears the second that he started to speak. He just couldn't hold things together, he felt so awful mentally and physically.

"Oh baby of course...what happened?" Louis asked, already grabbing his keys because he could tell by the tone of voice Harry was using that for one something was wrong, and for two, he was crying. "I-I'll explain later...just get here alright? I-I'm in the k-kitchen...you know where the key is" Harry sobbed into the phone, still just laying on the ground in the kitchen.

"I'll be over in five, just hang in there alright?" Louis said soothingly as he was already in the car driving to Harry's place.

When Louis arrived at Harry's he was appalled. Harry was laying in the kitchen, bruises on his face and he was struggling to breathe. "Holy shit...Harry..." Louis whispered, tearing up because Harry looked awful. He was skinnier than the last time he'd seen him, and he had these big deep dark circles under his eyes.

"Can I go to your house? I-I need you..." Harry whispered as Louis bent down next to him. Louis wiped his own tears, trying to be strong for Harry but this was just so sad.

"Of course you can my love. Let's go" Louis told him, scooping him up and Harry groaned. "Careful...I think Liam broke one of my ribs...it really hurts" Harry mumbled, feeling so much pain.

This eating disorder and abuse was really taking him over.

"I'm sorry love. Let's go pack you a bag" Louis said as he went to grab a bag. When he did, he packed it up while Harry was sitting on his bed watching. "L-Liam went to Ibiza...he won't be back until Friday" Harry mumbled as Louis packed him a nice big bag and then they went out to Louis' car.

On the car ride to Louis' house Harry told him everything that had happened with Liam and he cried and cried. He was so broken and so lost, he didn't know what to do about Liam anymore. It made him so emotional.

Louis had gotten Harry all tucked into his bed, then got in behind him, cuddling him so close. It was obvious that Harry wasn't feel good and all he wanted was some love.

So that's what Louis was going to do.

"I don't know what to do..." Harry cried, the tears starting back up as he curled into Louis. He was so scared about what Liam would do if they broke up. It was something he didn't want to have to do. Louis was just letting him cry, knowing he'd fall asleep soon so he wanted him to just get it out before he did. They would talk about it later when Harry's head was a little more clear.

Louis just embraced him, rubbing up and down his severely boney back and trying to warm him up as he was shivering.

"I-I don't think he loves me...and I d-don't think I love him..." was the last thing Harry whispered before he fell asleep....

Hey guys, this chapter was kind of a lot. So do something to make you happy after this. But nevertheless, I really appreciate you reading! I also love hearing your feedbacks
-Violet X

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