"Don't you think faking a smile everyday is tiring?" he asked
"How about you don't you think being alone is tiring!" she said
A girl with a bubbly personality meets a quiet mysterious boy.
Start: September 16, 2022
End: Unknown
Another morning has come but today is not just an ordinary day, to others today it maybe the most scary day but for her it's the best day because today is the first day of school. She woke up early, took a bath, fixed her hair to a side ponytail, ate her breakfast, and bid goodbye to her parents before leaving to go to the college.
Amara is a bubbly girl with blonde hair always positive in everything and is currently a freshman taking Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. She's at her designated room smiling from ear to ear waiting for her professor to show up. Few minutes have passed and students are showing up one by one taking their seats as Amara was roaming her eyes to the students a boy caught her eyes. He was seated at the back near the window resting his head with his hand wearing a black hoodie and a cap. Then in a second their eyes met and she was curious to know him at any cost but when she was going to stand up and talk to him someone stopped her.
"Um hello is someone sitting here?" a student asked
"Ah no there's none. Go right ahead." Amara replied to the girl with black hair as she sat down.
"Hey my name is Malena, Malena Dominguez but you can call me Lena for short. Hope we can be the best of friends. How about you what's your name?" she stated
"Hi my name is Amara Abad, nice to meet you and of course we can be the best of friends I would love to! hehehe" she replied with a giggle.
"I'm so nervous about today. I hope our professors are nice." Lena said
"For sure they are, I hope we can all become friends." Amara stated
"You have such a bubbly personality hahahaha!" Lena said
As Amara was about to reply, their professor came in and introduced herself "Hello class I am Mrs. Ann Valera but you can call me Mrs. Valera or Ma'am Valera and I will be your teacher in Art Appreciation. You might think this subject is not connected to the course you are taking but I will teach you the importance of this subject. Now before we start I will check your attendance."
"Abad?" Mrs. Varela asked
"Present" Amara said while raising her right hand.
As the professor continued taking attendance Amara's eyes shifted to the boy at the back and her curiosity kept increasing by the minute.
"Gonzales?" the professor stated
"Present" the boy at the back replied
*So that's his surname Gonzales I will be sure to remember that* Amara thought to herself.
"Mr. Gonzales no wearing of cap in the class please take that off" said Mrs. Varela
The boy followed as told and took off his cap there she saw his face more clearly. He has long blue hair and she can't deny his facial features. Yet again by the second time their eyes met and she saw his eyes, eyes that hold sadness which she can't help but be sad too. The teacher continued doing the class attendance but Amara's eyes were only fixated with one thing and that's Gonzales.
"Ok class you might have an idea what our subject is about like the name art appreciation I would like to see for myself how you observe art in your own perspective. Now I will be showing you series of arts and I would like to know your opinion about the art. Ok class?" asked the professor.
"Yes Mrs. Valera" "Yes Ma'am Valera" the students replied
"Ok for the first art." then the professor showed the first picture
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"Can someone tell me what they see in this art?" Mrs. Varela asked and in a split second Amara raised her hand.
"Yes, may I know your name before answering?" Mrs. Varela requested.
"Amara Abad, Ma'am Varela." Amar replied
"Ok Ms. Amara what do you see in this art?" Mrs. Valera said
"To me this art portrays self love and tranquility about a woman taking her time to relax and appreciating the scenery." Amara stated and sat down
"Wow that was a great answer." Lena said
"Thanks Lena." Amara replied
"Now does any of you have a different perspective about the art?"
"Anyone?" Mrs. Valera added
Then the boy at the back raised his hand.
"Ok what would be you name mister?" Mrs. Valera asked
"Gerald Gonzales" he replied
"Ok Mr. Gerald in your perspective what could this art be depicting?" Mrs. Valera said
"For me the art is about a woman that is full of sadness as she is all alone staring at the sky drinking what maybe wine to ease her sadness." He answered
Amara watching him speak made him feel sadness in such a great piece of art she could never see that sadness.
"Thank you for your answer Mr. Gerald now both of your answer may be contradicting from one another but neither of them are wrong because an art is portrayed with different messages not just one but multiple and by your answers I can tell you personality. Miss Abad I can say you're a very optimistic person." Amara nodded. "While you Mr. Gonzales I can say you see things in different perspectives not just the positive side." Mrs. Valera added but Gerald did not move by the comment.
"Ok class next picture." Said Mrs. Valera
However as the class continued Amara kept glancing at Gerald who did not have a change of expression the whole time and kept staring at the window rarely glancing at the class.
"Ok class before we end our class, I will be partnering you for an activity don't worry this is not a hard activity all you have to do is pick any art and write an essay about your perspective of that chosen art don't worry the deadline will be next week so you can have the weekend to make it and I expect a lot from you guys. Now I know you can do it individually, but I want you to learn and listen to the perspective of others whether it is the same to yours or different because just like in life there will be people of a contradicting opinion as yours and you have to accept that and learn to compromise just like in this activity. Now I will be partnering you randomly." Mrs. Valera said
So one by one names are being called. It's not that Amara is nervous but the opposite she was so excited to know her partner and meet the person and as her surname was called.
"Ms. Abad and Mr. Gonzales"
Amara quickly turned her head to Gerald who still didn't move the slightest. The professor already finished announcing the partners.
"Ok class I hope you have a great time in our class. Thank you!" The teacher said and left the class
"The class is done why don't we go to the cafeteria Amara?!" Lena asked in excitement
"You can go ahead I'll just talk to my partner real quick. How about you?" Amara asked
"Oh my partner already friend requested me so we can talk about the activity later. Oh I also sent you a friend request and I think your partner already left." Lena said pointing her finger at Gerald's seat
"Oh" was the only word Amara could say before following Lena to the cafeteria.