The Interview (2)

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"What do you think?" I asked my mom, spinning in a slow circle to show off my outfit. I was wearing a plain black dress with flutter sleeves and a hem that went just past my knees in the front and midway down my calf in the back. It was supposed to be casual, yet the black kept it business-like, and my black sandal heels paired with a black and silver choker dressed it up a bit. My makeup was light and natural, I didn't have a lot of products at home since they were an extra expense I didn't care to waste money on, and I preferred the natural look anyway.

"You look lovely, sweetheart," said Mom with a smile. It was the day after I had sent in my resumé to Ashdown Properties. They must have reviewed it in the morning, because I got an email inquiring whether I could do an interview in the late afternoon. I didn't have a shift at Culvers today, so I had agreed. Mom made me promise to stop by the hospital before I went to the interview. "Maybe you'll even catch a young man's eye while you're out there."

I let out an incredulous laugh. I hadn't seriously dated in a long time. I had a boyfriend in high school, but we honestly weren't even really in love. We just liked the thought of dating. Then I went on a few dates before college, but nothing really stuck. Then I started college and was determined to finish and maybe even start my business before looking for anyone. Of course everything fell apart before I did, so there was really no opportunity to continue looking.

"If I find a date, you'll be the first to know," I promised, even though I had no intention of dating anytime soon. There wasn't time between me trying to pay off bills and taking care of Mom. She didn't need to know that thought. "Or Emma will be. I'll decide when it gets to that point." I picked up my purse. "Are you going to be okay here for the day?"

"I'll be fine. CNN is covering a hurricane in North Carolina, so I'm waiting for that to come on."

"North Carolina?" I immediately thought of my old college friend. "Make sure Naomi isn't on the list of hurt or deceased, okay? Or Hardy."

"What's Hardy's last name?"

"I think it was Goodwell."

"I'll keep my eye out for them."

"Thanks." I kissed the top of her head. Her blonde hair was beginning to get greasy; I hoped the hospital workers got her into a shower soon. "Love you, Mom."

She puckered her lips at me. "Love you too. Good luck at your interview and let me know as soon as you're out."

"I will. See you." I closed the door gently behind me and headed down the hospital halls, more confident of my exit this time. As soon as I began driving to the address the assistant had given me, I felt the confidence melt into nervousness.

My legs were shaking a little by the time I pulled into the car park. I tried to convince them to hold me up when I got out of the car, but I tripped anyway. I hope no one saw that. I glanced around, but the parking lot was void of people, only the cars and lot lights were watching.

I forced my unsteady legs to walk towards the tall building before me. This is it. I have to nail this interview, otherwise I don't know what we're going to do. Just stay calm and act like you always do. Then again, I'm always a worried, nervous mess, so maybe don't act like that. Just... try to appear confident. But if I try to be confident and I'm not, it that falsely portraying myself? What if they hire me for my confidence and then see how nervous I always am? Will the fire me after that? Come on, no one is going to hire you for being confident. Right? The doors opened automatically for me while I was still two steps away, which was a first. Most automatic doors I tried to walk through wouldn't open until I was about to hit my nose and I had to slow down, like they had a problem with people approaching too fast.

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