A Visit to Viveca's (14)

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"He broke up with you?" I sat on the corner of her desk so I wasn't looming over her. "What happened?" Her jaw trembled. "Oh, we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I'm so sorry, Viveca." I wished I had words to say to her, but what could you say in a situation like this?

"I don't know what's wrong with him," she said through tears. "He keeps doing this to me. We'll be fine for months and then he'll break up with me over the smallest things, like he's looking for a reason to get rid of me. He always comes back, but what if he doesn't this time?" She broke into harder sobs, leaning down to rest her forehead on my leg.

I put a hand on her head, gently smoothing back her hair. Poor Viveca. What am I supposed to do? Should I say something or just let her cry? Maybe I should have left her alone. I wish I knew what to do.

After a few moments, she sniffed a couple of times, reining in the downpour and sitting up, resting a hand on my knee where her head had been. I had never seen the elf look so discomposed. Her eyes were slightly red, makeup smudged, hair was falling around her face messily. She looked so broken, like a cracked mirror that was still being smashed to pieces.

"I should get to work," she said shakily. "You too."

I searched her sad green eyes. "You can probably ask for a half day off, Viveca."

She shook her head. "I want to work. It'll make me feel better." She hesitated, still looking at my eyes. "I know this is kind of weird because most people want to be alone after a breakup, but do you think you could come to my place after work? I want to talk to someone about it."

She wants me to come to her house? I haven't been to a friend's house in years. "Sure. Do you want me to come by right after or give you some time?"

"Whenever you can make time."

"All right." I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was five past one. "Do you want me to stick around? I can ask if I can work with you for the rest of the day."

She took in a deep breath. "No. I'll be fine. You should get up to Milly, she's probably waiting on you." She straightened, shuffling some papers.

I watched her for a moment, then nodded and stood. "I'll see you later." I touched her shoulder before walking away. Oh, Viveca. She seemed so happy with Manny. What went wrong? I thought they were fine; she never mentioned a fight. This came on so suddenly. I wonder if she saw it coming? It doesn't sound like she wanted to break up with him. Unless I don't have the whole story. Maybe she did. I'll have to ask her tonight. Unless she doesn't want to talk about it. I can't believe she wants me to come over. I think I would want to be alone.

Milly and Damon were chatting at her desk when I walked up. They both glanced at me and smiled. "That's twice now in the same day you've been late," Damon said playfully. "And on your first day helping Milly. She must be very mean to you." He winked at his assistant.

She slapped his arm with the back of her hand. "As if."

They seem like very good friends, I thought as they bantered. Do they like each other? Damon said he hasn't liked anyone in a long time. Or did he say he hasn't liked any humans in a long time? I can't remember. Does she like him? My eyes instinctively fell to her left hand, where a wedding ring gleamed. She's married. Someone told me that already. I forgot. She could still have a thing for him, but it's unlikely. Not that it's any of my business. She can do whatever she wants. So can Damon.

"Well, since we're all here, let's get to work." Damon stood, then extended a hand to help Milly up. She let him, but very casually, no flirty smile, no cute giggle, just a simple "thank you," which she repeated when he held the door open for her. He raised his eyebrows at me when I didn't come into his office immediately.

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