No Time (5)

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"So, do you have a boyfriend?" asked Viveca in the elevator on our way upstairs after lunch. "Or maybe a husband?"

I shook my head. "I haven't dated in a while. I've been too busy."

"In the words of my boyfriend, you're never too busy for love." She giggled a little.

"What's he like?"

"His name is Manetto. He's an architect. Let me see if I can find a picture of him." She started scrolling through her phone. "Here. It's not the best, but I don't have very many as it is." She showed me a picture of her and another elf standing in front of Mount Rushmore. He had cream-colored hair, and light blue eyes that hurt to look at because they were so bright in the photo.

What am I suppose to say? Should I tell her he's cute? Would that be weird? "When did you go to Rushmore?"

"A few months ago for our four year anniversary."

"Oh, that's nice. Four years is a long time to be date." I caught myself. "At least, for humans anyway."

She chuckled. "I've heard. We're going to get married someday, he's just waiting for the right time to propose I guess. Any boys you have your eyes set on?" The elevator doors opened, and we stepped out, heading towards our office.

"No, I haven't really had time to even look. I used to work at two different places before I got the job here."

She bumped my shoulder. "Well, you've got time now. I don't know any humans really, or I would set you up. I might be able to find a vampire or elf willing to try a relationship with a human though."

"Thanks, but I'm not in the best frame of mind to be looking for a boyfriend right now," I admitted. "Things are kind of crazy at home right now." Like, really crazy. My mom has a heart disease; my sister hates me; and I can't pay all our bills. I don't really have time or energy to go looking for Prince Charming.

"That's all right." She smiled at me. "He'll just have to come to you then."

We worked until four o'clock that evening and I managed to stay checked-in for most of the day. I drifted into daydreams a few times while Viveca was explaining some things, but it wasn't for too long, so I managed to keep tabs on what we were talking about.

At the end of the workday, Viveca walked me to the doors. We had parked on separate sides of the lot, so we parted once outside of the doors, but not before she swooped me into a tight hug.

"I hope you had a good first day," she said over my shoulder as I lightly touched her back. "I'll see you tomorrow." She flashed a smile at me before starting off towards her car.

I started to walk away as well but heard someone calling my name. I turned around while walking to see Damon waving at me, so I stopped and waited for him to catch up. "Alessandria," he said in greeting. "How was your first day?"

"It was really good," I said with a smile. "Viveca is wonderful, and I think I understand everything I'm working with."

"Good." He smiled back. "I hope you continue to enjoy your work. Have a good evening, Alessandria."

"You too." We parted ways, him back into the building and me to my car. Wait. Why is he going back inside? Isn't he leaving too? I glanced over my shoulder before getting into my vehicle, getting a glimpse of my boss disappearing back into his building. Weird. Did he come out just to say goodbye to me? That would be even more weird. Maybe he forgot his stuff. I could see that. He rushed out to say goodbye to his newest employee, then went to return to his car only to remember all of his things were inside. Shouldn't have run out so quickly, he would scold himself. I shook off the daydream as I started my car. I used my phone map to get me to the hospital to visit Mom before I went home. I should be able to have a lot more time with Mom now since I won't be working all the time. We can actually spend evenings together. We'll watch movies, and make popcorn, and argue over whether CNN is a good news station or not. Maybe we'll have root beer floats one night. I could buy some soft throw blankets for the couches that way we can stay nice and toasty in the living room until midnight. I don't have to go to bed at 8:00 anymore, I can stay up until midnight and still get a good night of sleep. More like I can stay up until eleven, because it takes forever to fall asleep on good nights.

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