Worries (3)

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I went directly to my mom after my interview. She was excited that I had got the job, but not for the same reasons I was.

"You're going to enjoy this job so much more than your other ones!" she said. "This is a lot more similar to what you wanted to pursuit since you'll be in more management and less labor."

I mentally sighed. She wasn't even thinking about how the pay raise would affect us. I loved that she liked to look at the bright side, and the more interesting things of this world, but she had to learn to be realistic sometime. She was sixty though, so I doubted that lesson would ever be learned.

"Yeah, it'll be interesting, anyway," I said with a forced smile.

"Have you told your siblings?"

It's a good thing I wasn't plugged into the same machines as she was, everyone in the hospital would have been able my heartrate spike when she asked that question. She was under some delusion that I got along with all my siblings and told them everything, no matter how small. While it was true that I loved them all, I had various relationships with them and the only close one was with Emmalynn. I didn't know where Mom got the idea that all of us were close-knit, but I couldn't figure out how to explain clearly that we weren't.

"Um, not yet. I was too busy thinking about everything on my way here. I'll call Emmalynn when I get home for sure though."

True to my word, I called my sister when I went home. She didn't answer though—she was probably still working. Instead, I called both my managers and let them know I was quitting. They both begged for me to stay a little longer, but I remained firm. I needed my new job more than I needed to please other people. Em called me back a few minutes after I finished up with my bosses. I had been watching Last Man Standing but muted it when I saw her call.

"Hey," I said after answering.

"Hi, Andi. Sorry, I was working. What's up?"

"I just wanted to let you know that I got the job."

"Really? That's awesome! Are you excited?"

"A little. Mom's more excited than I am. She thinks I'm doing it because I wanted to start a business."

"I mean, that's part of why you wanted the job, right? I know you did it because you wanted to pay raise, but you can't tell me that you're not at least a little thrilled to have a job that's more your style."

My brown eyes stared absently at the TV screen. "I guess. You want to know the funny thing about it though? Everyone I saw there was a vampire. And they said I'm the only human on staff."

"Yikes," said Em. "That's a little scary. Are you comfortable with it?"

I shrugged even though she couldn't see me. "I mean, yeah, they all seemed really nice. The owner told me he tries to keep a good work environment. Oh, by the way, I had an interview with the owner of the company. I wasn't expecting that."

Em hummed on the other side of the line. "Yeah, that's a little different. Most people just have like the managers do it. But maybe since he tries to keep a healthy work environment, he always interviews people himself? That way he can be sure everything is going to work out."

"Probably." We were both quiet for a second. "So how was work?"

"Oh, same ole stuff. Nothing much happen. You know, YouTube makes working in Walmart seem like it exciting with all the Karen videos and stuff, but the most exciting thing that happened today was... um... actually, nothing happened. It was a pretty boring day. When do you start work?"

I was a little distracted by a bear wandering onto the screen of Last Man Standing but forced myself to focus on the conversation. "Tomorrow at eight. I get to sleep in a little."

"Or a lot," she said with a small laugh. "Weren't you getting up at like three in the morning?"

I laughed just a little. "Yeah." I didn't have much else to say, and by the silence it appeared she didn't either. "I'll let you go. See you around."

"Bye, Andi. Good luck at work tomorrow!"

"Thanks. Bye."


I hung up on her and stared at the TV without turning the sound on. I'm a lot more nervous about this job than I thought I would be. Why didn't I tell Emma that? I'm never around vampires—what if I accidentally offend them? What if I don't fit in like Mr. Ashdown wants me to? Will he fire me just for not being a good team player? He didn't seem too concerned about it when he hired me. What if they all hate me? I released a heavy sigh and turned on the TV sound to drown out my own thoughts.

Before I went to bed that night, I read up on things that could potentially be offensive to vampires. Mostly, just don't mention how they used to suck blood from people way back in the olden days. They still had to drink blood, but they only took from blood bags, or drank straight from a person with their consent. The laws were pretty much the same as sex laws, as long as both parties agreed, it was legal.

I also read the welcome packet. It informed me of the dress code, break times, vacation times, company parties, etiquette, and even listed the most important people on staff so I would be able to recognize them.

When I finally went to sleep at ten o'clock, my mind was whirling. I'm the only human on staff. What will that mean for me? Will I be an outcast? A company pet? Will I be treated with indifference? How many mistakes will I make on the first day? I can see it now; I messed up and I'm called to Mr. Ashdown's office. He'll look much more stern than when I first met him. He'll coldly inform me of what I've done wrong, berate me for it, and then send me off with a hard warning to not do it again. Unless he fires me.

He smokes—I hate the smell of smoke. It's so strong, I'm surprised I didn't smell it right off when I walked in. He was doing it at a window though, so maybe the wind carries it away. Maybe it's a new habit of his, something he picked up from the stress of running a company. Then again, vampires live for a long time, right? He could have been smoking for centuries. Can vampires be unhealthy? Is smoking bad for them like it's bad for humans? Do vampires die of cancer? How do vampires die? Do they live forever or just for a very long time?

I wonder what the vampire I'll be working with is like. What was her name? I'm pretty sure it was a girl. Vivien? Sounds right. Will she be playful and friendly like Elaine? Polite and warm like Mr. Ashdown? I don't know his first name... I wonder if I can search it. I'm sure I can. Or perhaps I can just ask Vivien tomorrow. Oh, wait, he said it was Damon. At least, he said that's what everyone calls him. It might not be his actual name I suppose.

I sighed heavily, turning over in my bed. I wish I could just fall asleep. It would be nice if people could fall asleep on command. Just to be like, "okay, go to sleep now" and our minds would just turn off. Maybe I need a better bedtime routine. I heard that reading before you go to bed is good. Does reading a welcome packet count? Or does it have to be an actual book? Can you read on your phone or does that not work since it's a screen?

Tomorrow is going to be so stressful. First days are the worst. I won't have any idea what I'm doing, I won't know anyone, and I will be terrified the entire time simply because my nerves like to act up. What if Vivien thinks I'm an absolute idiot? What if I am an idiot? I always get so much stuff wrong the first time—I'm sure to mess something up. Or more than one thing. I'll mess everything up.

Needless to say, I didn't fall asleep for a long time. 

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