Life is Short (19)

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I sneezed as I walked into work on Monday. I had woken up that morning with a slight cold. My throat was tender, my nose running, and my eyes watery. I didn't have a fever when I left home, but I was a bit warm. I didn't feel the best, but I didn't want to call in sick at work. I hadn't been working that long after all and didn't want to be out right before Christmas break.

"Gesundheit," said Asa, who was walking in behind me with Viveca. I glanced back at him with a weak smile. "Are you all right?" he asked, striding faster to catch up with me.

"I've got a little cold," I admitted, rubbing my raw nose with the back of my hand.

"And you came into work?" said Viveca, countenance suddenly switching to worried. "Why aren't you at home?"

I shrugged, then nodded in greeting to Addison, who waved back. "It's not that bad. I don't have a fever."

"Fever? Who's got a fever?" Xiyang fell into step with us, approaching from another side of the building.

"No one," I said, pressing the button to summon the elevator.

"Alessandria is sick," Asa told him, peering at my face. "You look a little pale. Did you take any medicine?"

I rubbed my forehead. "We didn't have any at home."

"What kind of humans don't have medical kits at home?" Viveca said, seeming almost upset. "You should always have proper medication. You are too delicate not to."

"Maybe you should take the day off to heal," suggested Xiyang, his brows drawing together.

"I think that would be wise," said Asa.

I glanced at my friends who were looking at me with more concern than my own mother had when I told her I was sick. "What is up with you three? It's just a little cold. I can handle a day at work with a sniffly nose."

"It's just..." Asa glanced at the other two. "Humans are prone to illness... and illness can lead to death. You weren't around for some of the plagues like we were. It always began with something small, but the humans would almost always catch something more."

I chuckled a little. "Guys, we're not in the eighteen hundreds anymore. Sometimes a cold is just a cold. I'm going to be fine, but thank you for your concern." I was the first into the elevator when it opened, so I leaned against the back corner.

None of them looked reassured, but Xiyang changed the conversation. "I heard you and the boss are finally dating."

I'll bet he's been waiting to ask about that. Asa and Viveca glanced at me as well. Viveca was a little smug since she already knew everything, but Asa looked curious. "Yeah, we've been out twice now, once to a club, and once to his house for coffee. I'm hoping he's going to ask me out again this weekend." I was the first into the elevator, so I leaned against the back corner.

Smiles bloomed on everyone's faces. "Good for you two," said Asa. "A lot of us have been waiting to see if you two would ever go out."

"All of you are entirely too interested in our lives," I laughed, then sniffed, reminding myself, and I'm sure my friends, of my mild illness.

The elevator dropped my friends at their respective floors, then carried me to Damon's office. "Andi!" Damon sang as soon as I walked in. "I have something for you." He was beaming as he held out a plate with a cinnamon roll on it in one hand and coffee cup in the other.

Tears gathered in my eyes right before I sneezed into my elbow. I cleared my throat afterward, blinking away the water in my eyes. "Sorry." I put my stuff by Milly's desk, not moving to take the things from Damon. "I'm a touch sick, so I'll keep my distance." Can vampires get sick? I've never really thought about it before. Do they have immune systems? I mean, they have all of their organs and stuff.

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