A Perfect Golden Night (20)

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"Brrr." I shivered despite all the clothes I was wearing. I had a tank top, with a hoodie over it, and a thick coat zipped up to my chin. Leggings covered by a pair of jeans kept my legs warm, as did the long socks and boots. I also wore a hat to cover my forehead and ears, as well as gloves to heat my hands, but still I shivered in the cold air. It didn't help that I was lying on my back in the snow beside Damon, who seemed to mind the cold less than I did.

We were in his backyard looking at the stars despite the freezing temperature. It was only December though, it was bound to get even colder in January, so I was glad we were doing this now instead of later. I would have preferred to wait until summer to watch the stars with Damon, but at least this one would make a long-standing memory.

"Cold?" Damon laughed, managing to wiggle his arm under my neck to wrap a hand around my shoulder and draw me closer. He was wearing jeans, boots, a t-shirt and a coat. It was the most casual I had ever seen him. I hadn't even been sure he owned jeans and a t-shirt.

My head wasn't at quite the right angle while resting on top of his arm, so I adjusted to nestle in the socket where his shoulder and chest met, bringing the hoodie string up to my mouth. Even if my body was cold outside, I felt completely warm on the inside.

"It's almost Christmas," I murmured, the drawstring dangling loosely from my mouth as I stared up at the dark sky.

"Almost another year gone by," said Damon softly. "Do you have any plans for next year?"

I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "Well... Now that I have a well-paying, stable job, I was thinking... maybe I'll go back to college."

"Really?" He sounded a bit surprised. I did spring this on him suddenly. I hadn't mentioned it to anyone yet.

I nodded against his jacket. "Online of course. I want to get my degree. Maybe get started on that business in a few years." I rubbed my cold nose with the back of my hand, covering it for a moment to give it some warmth.

"Good for you." His thumb gently caressed my hip bone. "I'm sure you'll pass every exam with flying colors, and after college, your business will become the biggest in the industry. I'll do all I can to assist you, if you want my help."

I tilted my head to look up at his face with a smile, drawing the hoodie string out of my mouth. "I would like that." He glanced down, returning my smile. His warm breath smelled like mint, which reminded me... "Damon?" I waited for him to raise his eyebrows and hum a question mark before continuing. "Did you stop smoking?"

He studied my face for a moment with soft eyes. "Yes."

"Why?" His eyes flicked down to my lips for a brief moment. I couldn't help but glance at his as well. I want to kiss him. Would that be appropriate? It is the third date after all... I want him to kiss me actually. I don't know if I can bring myself to kiss him first—that's a bit bold.

"Because I love you," he said. No preamble, no skirting around it. Straightforward and honest—just like Damon. "I don't want to do anything that you will despise. I want to be perfect for you."

He loves me! I love him. I should tell him. I can't. I should. I can't. No... I can't. It's too big of a step. I'll sound stupid. I'm not ready. He might just be saying it. What if he doesn't really love me? Even though I was afraid of his words, and excuses tumbled through my head, my heart was beating my chest so hard I had to take a moment before I could answer. "You don't have to stop for me." I should have told him I loved him. I do. I want to marry him in a huge church, in a dress as white as the snow we're on. I want to hear the wedding music. I want to see my mother crying. I want to feel complete, heart-bursting love and excitement. I want to say "I do" before everyone. I want him to love me as much as I love him. I want to kiss him at the altar. I want to hear our names conjoined. Damazein and Alessandria Ashdown. I want him to be mine forever. I want to be his forever. The voice of Ray from Princess and the Frog slipped into my mind. "But I know that someday we gonna be together forever yeah..." The words echoed in my head as Damon replied.

"I want to."

I could only stare at him with grateful, loving eyes. My heart swelled so much I thought it would leap from my chest any moment. Thinking of a reply was unconceivable—my mind was racing so hard I couldn't discern one thought from another.

"Will you be overwhelmed if I ask you something?" he whispered, bringing a gloved hand up to run his thumb over my cheek. The leather was chilly, but I didn't mind. His touch made my cheeks blaze with heat.

I shook my head.

"Will you do me the honor of officially being my girlfriend?" The words would have sounded almost childish from anyone else, but from Damon they seemed the most romantic and honey coated I had ever heard.

My mind was still galloping with millions of thoughts, but one prevailed against all other. Yes. I nodded my head, looking into his dark red eyes like I would lose him if I blinked.

A smile crossed his face, accentuating the sharp fangs I was no longer afraid of. He leaned down carefully, pulling me up slightly by my shoulder, and kissed me on lips. It was soft, like he was afraid of scaring me, but even with that light touch I could taste the love he had for me.

I blanked. As soon as Damon's lips touched mine, all thoughts ceased, banished by his physical presence against mine. My mind was clear, empty, simply enjoying the feeling of him. He was all I needed. He made my worries, fears, confusions, and doubts disappear away like a startled flock of birds on the side of the road. I finally felt peace.

When he pulled away a quiet eternity later, my thoughts didn't come rushing back as I thought they would. I was left with a feeling of contentment and overflowing happiness that refused to remain in my heart.

"I love you," I whispered, staring up at him. A smile broke onto my face, and I let out a breathy, overjoyed chuckle, snuggling my face into his shoulder. "I love you."

Damon laughed too, wrapping his arms fully around me. We didn't speak for a long time, only watched the stars glitter down at us in contented, joyful silence.

"I never thought that I could be over the moon in ecstasy," I hummed the Willy Wonka song in my head, feeling as though it had never applied to my life more than now. "Cause I've got a golden ticket... I've got a golden chance to make my way! And with a golden ticket it's a golden day." Night more like. The perfect golden night.

I glanced up at Damon. His eyes shifted to meet mine, happiness gleaming as brightly as the stars. I smiled, stretching up to place a kiss on his lips. I relished the feeling of complete serenity that came with his touch, sure I would never want anything else in this life as long as I had him with me.

So many bad things have led me here. To Damon. To the peace I've been looking for without even knowing it. If Dad hadn't died; if I hadn't been fired; if Naomi hadn't moved away; if I didn't argue with Del; if I didn't quit college... I wouldn't be here. Maybe I would have been happy somewhere else, but I don't think I could ever be as happy as I am now. Mom is okay; I have a job; Naomi is happy; Del and I have found some sort of foothold; I'm going back to college. Everything is fine—wonderful, in fact. Being twenty-six was terrible, being twenty-seven has been a challenge, but maybe twenty-eight is when I finally find my place. My family still has problems, but maybe this is where my worries end. Where my work has finally paid off. Where love trumps all. I like that idea.

This chapter was a lot shorter than I originally anticipated.... In fact, I wish I could drag the story out for longer, but all things must come to an end. Thanks for finishing this story with me! If you got this far—help me out! I'm not completely attached to the name "Working for Love" but I can't think of a better one. Do you guys like the name or have any suggestions? I'll be editing this in February (gotta give myself a break!) and I'm hoping someday to write a sequel with more action and fantasy elements, but that's only if the right storyline will come to me. I would love to hear what you guys think of this story: what I can improve on, what I should keep, things I missed, ideas for a sequel, etc. Be sure to check out my profile for what stories are coming up next!

​​​​​​​Stay happy!


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