Special Attention (10)

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What are you thinking, Langdon? Why did you cancel on Mom? She was really looking forward to seeing you and the family.

I waited all day for Langdon's answer. I spent time with Mom, then relaxed at home. Now that I had the weekends off, I had time to take up a hobby again, so I thought about doing 3-D printing again, but I wasn't sure I was ready to put money in that craft. I probably checked my phone a thousand times to make sure I hadn't missed a message from my big brother. He never responded.

Guilty? Sorry? Apathetic? Why won't he answer me? Why would he cancel when he knew Mom would be excited to see him? Am I the only one in this family who cares at all? I can just imagine him at home, guilt eating him up as he tries to relax in front of the TV, thinking about his poor mother who is spending the evening in the hospital by herself. She hasn't seen him in weeks. Or he's watching TV, completely unconcerned with the fact that he crushed his mother's heart. "Like a grape." Flynn is possibly one of the best-looking Disney princes. I mean, what are the other options? Prince Charming One and Two. Philip. Um... I should clean the house. Mom is going to want it clean when she gets home tomorrow. I can't believe she's been in the hospital a week already. She'll be happy to be home.


Usually, when I walked up to Mom's room in the hospital, the TV was playing, so I wasn't surprised to hear sounds from it this morning. I was surprised, however, to see my oldest sister sitting beside my mom's bed with her husband, brochures spread on everyone's laps.

Aaron twisted around to look at me when I opened the door, but Mom and Delilah were deep in quiet discussion. "Good morning, Alessandria," he said. While he was being friendly, I knew that it was also a warning to his wife.

"Morning, Aaron. Delilah." My voice came out more welcoming than I had intended. I didn't want her to think I was happy to see her here, but I was also afraid to start a fight. "What are you guys doing?"

"We were just showing Mom some brochures," Delilah said smugly. She wasn't afraid of a fight.

I ran my fingers behind my ear even though none of my hair had come out of its bun. "She's not going to a retirement home, Delilah. We're doing fine at my place."

"I think Mom will be a lot happier in a place like Blue Creek." She held up one of the papers. "There will be people to take care of her whenever she needs something and there will be a lot of other people her age. They have good food and a great entertainment schedule that will keep her busy. We can visit whenever we want. What's not to like?"

"Retirement homes cost money. Who's going to pay for that? You? You won't even help with her hospital bills."

"That's because she should have been in a retirement home when this happened. They're more prepared for this stuff than you are."

Mom sighed loudly, bringing our attention to her, but she didn't say anything, only stared at the black TV. Delilah didn't say anything, she never put up with Mom's dramatics, so I did. "What is it, Mom?"

Her lips were pointed down when she glanced at me. "You could start by giving your mother a hug and a nice hello."

I took a long breath, then walked around the bed to be on the other side, away from my sister, and gave Mom a hug. "I'm sorry. Hi, Mom. How do you feel today?"

"Ready to get out of this hospital. Instead of the three of you arguing, why don't you help me pack my things and get me home?" She looked pointedly at Delilah and Aaron. Aaron had at least the decency to look a bit ashamed, but my sister just stared back at her.

"Actually," Delilah said, "we have to go. I'll see you later Mom." She stood, collected her purse, then tapped Aaron's shoulder with the back of her hand. He jumped up, nodded at us, then escorted his wife out.

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