Coffee at His Place (18)

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I replayed that kiss in my mind all night. It hadn't been much, just a tap of his lips against my cheek, but it meant everything. My stomach swirled pleasantly with excitement that nearly stole my breath every time I recalled the feeling.

I was thinking of that feeling as I drove towards Damon's house Saturday afternoon. We had arranged a second date at his house for coffee, just like he had proposed. I was wearing a pair of comfortable jeans with brown boots and a red flannel that made me look like I was ready to jump into a Hallmark movie, even though the weather outside was gloomy. I didn't bother much with my hair, just giving it a good brush and leaving it down. I had heard that men prefer hair down rather than up from a TV show, although I couldn't recall which show it was.

My phone rang, interrupting my digital map route that I had been listening to intently. It was Naomi though, so I picked it up as soon as I knew where my next turn was. "Hello."

"Hey, Andi! How are you? Nervous?"

I chuckled. I had told her earlier in the day that I was going on another date with Damon. "You know me; I'm overthinking every step."

"I wanted to call and tell you to have fun. But not too much fun since I'm not there. Also, be careful. And call me when you get out of there."

"Sure thing, Mom."

"Very funny. I don't want my best friend getting kidnapped or something. It was hard enough becoming friends with you—I don't want to have to go through that process again."

We had become friends in school when we were paired up for an assignment. We both liked working quietly and weren't big talkers, so we bonded over comfortable silence. Soon we were asking to be partnered together, and then the talking started. Naomi was actually a very shy person until you get to know her. She's more exuberant over text than in person, which I was surprised to find out when I first got her number. But once you were friends with her, she was easy to talk to and would always have your back.

"I don't think you have to worry about Damon," I said, glancing at my directions again. My heart fluttered just thinking about him. "This might sound stupid, Naomi... but I think I'm falling in love with him." It terrified me to admit that out loud. What if I'm catching harder feelings than him? What if he drops me cold? I don't know if I can take another blow to my life.

"Of course you are," Naomi said matter-of-factly. "I could tell. You haven't been this happy in a long time, Andi. You better not let him go, and Heaven help me if he changes his mind about you. I'll have Hardy come after him." Hardy was her boyfriend that she moved to North Carolina with. They had one of those "opposites attract" relationships. He was confident, outgoing, and at times, very loud, but the way they evened each other out, you could tell they were meant for each other.

My phone buzzed, alerting me to my directions. "Hey, I've got to go. I'm almost there and I don't want to miss the drive."

"Okay. Talk to you later."

"Bye." I hung up and focused on where the maps were taking me. Damon's driveway looked long. I couldn't see how far back it went because it twisted into a woods. The front entrance was lined with an ornate brick wall and metal gates that were closed. Please be the right house. I pulled up to the intercom and rang the bell.

After a moment, a man answered, but it didn't sound like Damon. "Hello?"

"Hi. This is Andi. I'm here to see Damon?" I hope this is his house. It would be so embarrassing if it wasn't.

"Damon? No, no Damons live here." I began to panic a little, and was about to apologize, but he continued."We've got a Kurt, and a Laurel, sometimes a Joseph. I'm here, she's here, you're here, but Damon is not. Are we talking about that annoyingly rich and successful vampire, Damon Ashdown? Because I've got to say, if you're here to see him, you clearly have terrible taste." There was some scuffling on his end, and laughter, then Damon came on.

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