Coffee (6)

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"Good morning!" Addison called when I walked into Ashdown Properties for my second day of work.

I smiled at her. "Morning. How are you?"

"Wonderful, thanks! How about you?" She seemed chipper this morning.

"I'm good." Lamest answer ever. Should I ask why she's so happy? Would that be weird? Maybe she's always like this and was just having quieter days the last few times I saw her. I probably shouldn't ask. "Should I just go up to Viveca's office?"

"Yes ma'am. She's already here, so I'm sure she'll be waiting for you."

I headed towards the elevator. "Thank you."

"See you later! Good morning, Xiyang!"

I glanced over my shoulder to see the vampire I had met yesterday wave at the receptionist as he strode towards me. "Hold the elevator," he called jokingly when I pressed the button and the doors opened immediately.

We both got in and I pressed the twenty-fourth floor. Floor twenty-four. "Should be easy to remember because it rhymes." She wasn't wrong.

"Good morning, Sandrey, and how are you today?" Xiyang asked as the doors began to close.

"I'm good, thanks. You?"

"Can't complain. My girlfriend brought cinnamon rolls over to my apartment this morning for breakfast. We live in the same building, so she does that sometimes." He flashed a fanged grin at me.

I smiled back. "That was nice of her." I briefly wondered if I would bring cinnamon rolls over to my boyfriend if we lived in the same building and if I had a boyfriend. I cooked for Mom sometimes, but I was usually so tired from work I let her do the cooking.

There was a moment of silence until Xiyang came up with another topic. "Did you hear about Addition?"

"What?" It sounded like the beginning of a joke, but I wasn't really sure where he wanted me to go with that.

"Sorry, I meant Addison. She posted on her social medias that she got engaged last night. She and her boyfriend have been dating for seven or eight years now, so it was long overdue. They're getting married next fall."

The elevator stopped, opening its door for us. "That's nice," I said as we stepped out. "I'll have to congratulate her later."

Aldous poked his head out of one of the first offices. "Who? Addison?"

"Yep," said Xiyang. "Not that it's any of your business, dog breath." He smirked.

"Your business is my business, hair gel." Aldous disappeared back into the office, only to walk out a moment later. "Are you ready to get to work or what? Oh, sorry—morning, Alessandria."

I waved a little at him. "Morning, Aldous."

"Well, we've all got important work to do," said Xiyang, pompously raising his chin as he started to walk by his coworker. "Let's get to it already, Aldous. You're being such a slowpoke this morning. See you later, Sandrey."

Aldous rolled his eyes. "Bye." He nodded at me, then followed the other vampire.

"Later, guys," I said, walking towards Viveca's office. I tapped on the door before walking in. "Hey."

Viveca was already sitting at her desk, laptop opened so she could study the screen. She glanced up when I walked in and smiled. "Good morning! How was the rest of your evening yesterday?"

"It was really nice. I haven't been able to enjoy my evenings in so long." I slipped my satchel off my shoulder and onto the floor beside my desk. "Have you been in here long? Sorry if I'm late." I glanced at my watch. I was a minute early.

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