A Home Visit (12)

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After such a revelation at work, I was relieved to have a little time to myself between Ashdown Properties and the Mason's. Vanessa Mason was one of Emmalynn's friends. She had kids that were about the same age of Em's, so they were having a short playdate today between school getting out and coming to my house so Mom wouldn't have to worry about them.

Damon hadn't said his usual goodbye to me. Someone mentioned he was still in his office, probably trying to figure out what to do about getting Milly an assistant as quick as possible. That was probably for the best. I didn't know how I would be able to keep from blushing around him now that I knew what everyone else in the office thought.

Does he really like me? Everyone is just guessing—he might just want to flirt. Some guys are like that. How am I going to be able to see him at work every day knowing I have a crush on him? It's a bit embarrassing, especially since everyone else knows. Does Damon know they know? I'm not ready to step into a relationship, regardless of whether I have a crush on my boss or not. I already had this discussion with myself. My life is too messy to add someone else into it. I can't believe I've been flirting with him. I should have better control over that. I shouldn't start things I'm not ready to continue. I'm such an idiot.

I pulled into the Mason's drive and put a smile on my face when she answered the door with my nieces and nephew. "Hi, Vanessa. How were the kiddos today?"

"No complaints here," she said, grinning down at the little ones. "We made some cookies to send home. There are a few for you, for Emma, and some extra for them to snack on tonight. I hope you guys enjoy yourselves."

"We always do. Thanks." I herded the kids to my car, the sounds of all the kids shouting goodbye following us. "All right, you guys," I said when we were all situated. "Who's ready to go see Grandma?" They cheered enthusiastically, hyped from all the sugar they must have eaten while making the cookies. They chattered the entire ride home, but I didn't mind. I was surrounded by quiet most days; it was a nice change of pace once a week to have some noise in my car and at home.

When we pulled into the garage, all three of them were out of the car and piling into the house through the garage door before I could collect my lunch bag and satchel. They cried happily when their grandma met them somewhere in the house.

When I finally got inside and shut the door with my foot, I heard Hayley ask, "Who's that, Grandma?" I came into the living room after dropping my lunch bag in the kitchen and had to stop when I saw we had an extra guest.

Damon was standing next to my mother, surrounded my nieces and nephew. It was like seeing two different pictures torn in half and stitched together to make a disjointed scene. Damon, who I only saw at work, who was exclusively a part of my work life, was standing next to some of the most important people in my home life who didn't mix with my work at all. He looked so casual about it, hands respectfully by his side, a smile for the children, a smirk at me when he saw I was dumbfounded by his presence.

Why is he here? How did he get here? I'm sure he has my address in a file somewhere. But why is he here on a Wednesday evening? I just saw him at lunch time. "Uh... D-Damon. What are you... doing here?" I managed to stammer out a couple sentences.

"Hello, Alessandria." His red eyes were glittering mischievously, as if he knew the turmoil he had caused. "I have something I wanted to talk to you about."

My heart pounded a little harder. He wants to talk to me. Does he want to be in a relationship? No. No, no, no. That's too far too quick. There is no way that's what he's here for. It must be a work thing. He didn't need to come in person though. "Oh. You could have just called. You didn't have to come over."

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