The Finale

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Hello everyone! Thank you for reading this book. I wrote it a long time ago- I believe I started it back in 2016 so about 6 years ago (when people wore galaxy everything and I was 14). Since then this book has blown up in terms of reads and as of writing this it has 12.8 million reads. I never thought I would reach this point, but here we are and I have all of you to thank for this.

Recently I became a part of the Wattpad Creator's Program and I have returned to Wattpad from my hiatus. Along with writing my new book 'Drugged', I would also like to edit my old books when possible. The plot will not change, but I'd like to permanently remove Ave and return Ace to his rightful place.

This weekend I will upload a video here answering any questions you guys have about my books or anything in general. Please feel free to ask in the comments and I will answer what I'm able to. To help better answer questions I'll reread Prison Mate (it's been a couple years 😬).

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